
Cult. What happens if they summarily fire you in one of those 60 countries for "having lost your moral way" because they find out you're an atheist?

You did the right thing. It's a good thing when you'r seriously dating to talk about this, but you certainly have no obligation to tell him everything ("disclosure obligations" are for lawyers).

As I was reading the first post of this post I was thinking "hey, maybe they can still work out it over time with the right tools and attitude" yada yada. Then when I got to the part of how it's affecting you, the alarm bells went off. When the problem's been going on so long that it's damaging your mental health,

Except all those that are incorrect. Or both.

I have seen The Economist commit some major lapses of journalistic integrity from time to time, so you do really have to be careful with it.

Agree with MyOcean. A perfect example is her firing of her attorney on the courthouse steps after that attorney gets her what, for any normal human being, would be a great plea deal.

I'm sorry, I don't understand. Could you write that in English?

What puts psycho creeps like this on Jezebel? Look at the views and comments this has already generated. That's money going to Nick Denton, and that's what really matters.

Capitalization. Punctuation. These are basic tools in writing coherent sentences. As you can see, most posters on this site use them.

So you treat some poor wage-slave trying to keep from drowning in student debt rudely just because he asks you a question which his job requires him to? You at least partially fit in at that Chipotle: while you may not have been a hipster you certainly were an a-hole.

Now playing

Whoa, whoa, whoa! The REAL Dr. Feelgood was rockin' it before Motley Crue was even a band:

OK no Photoshop on Jezebel, I know. But why do the latest "Dirt Bag" pix of Rihanna and LiLo feature impossibly red lipstick on what look like oversized lips?