Why do you say she “clearly” doen’t work out? She is 47 years old with three kids. I mean, I haven’t been following her career, maybe they were all born via surrogate but even if that were the case, she looks great for her age (really, for any age).
Why do you say she “clearly” doen’t work out? She is 47 years old with three kids. I mean, I haven’t been following her career, maybe they were all born via surrogate but even if that were the case, she looks great for her age (really, for any age).
It’s in Chatham and is quite new. It’s a tiny museum but they do really cool things. Check out the “Join us on an expedition” tab! http://www.atlanticwhiteshark.org/#welcome
Big me still thinks sharks are simultaneously majestic and frightening. I was just on Cape Cod for vacation and visited the new Atlantic White Shark Concervancy Museum and found out that you can pay to follow the shark tagging boats. For some of us weirdos, the obsession never dies. I actually downloaded the…
Ugh. That just sounds terrible. You mentioned that you had a husband and family and I’m sure that helped. Plus, it sounds like you have very highly developed instincts and have learned to trust them, and that keeps people out of real trouble most of the time.
For the most part I’m interested in exploring various practices but not so interested in their institutions, and that has kept me in good stead. Vipassana was a valuable experiment but I wouldn’t want to live there, nor really with any of the practices I’ve experienced. I like the lose group of compatriots that I’m…
Also, I just realized I used to live within 5 blocks of the New Haven Center for Dzogchen Studies. Thank goodness I didn’t find it back then!
That is an extraordinary story—thank you for sharing. Not many people are able to stand up for their core values in deeply cohersive situations—I really salute you for that. Moreover, it’s even cooler that the experience didn’t separate you from any of value of the teachings. And I am so sorry to hear about the…
Thank you! So far he seems like a great guy so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
Wow, that’s intense. If it’s not painful, would you share about your experience?
A million years ago I saw a girl I knew on the subway and she was eating a Belgian waffle with a fork and a knife. I pretended I didn’t know her and slunk away into the crowd.
So I just told my newish boyfriend that I’m not down for an open or semi-open relationship, which was a thing that he sort of asked for recently. I left that with him to process and we’ll see what happens. He’s not a sleazy dude at all, more afraid to get crushed by getting in too deep with one lady, but still it is…
Serious question, which I am too lazy to hunt for, are the Green’s active in any local or state governments? I’ve never heard of a Green Party councilperson or mayor or, really, any of the elected or appointed steps between private citizen and President. I think that’s one reason people have trouble taking these…
I have a public facing role at largeish events (50-500 people) so I frequently have light interactions with people that they remember but I don’t because I’ve met so many people that day. Over time, I’ve learned to greet people with “So nice to see you” rather than “So nice to meet you” in case I have met the person…
Having gown up on early Madonna videos, I vehemently disagree-she was the opposite of a boy toy. Her songs very much about owning your sexuality, which in the 80s was a big deal and her videos were elaborate, sometimes controversial and fun. Madonna can be a bit ridiculous, but I think her bad press is also due to…
There is a long tradition of women being sexy as part of their performances. Look only a few years earlier to Cher for proof.
Ugh. I’m so sorry that happened. Has he ever given any perspective about why he did that?
You know what? I’m inclined to give FOX some credit here. These public suspensions and firings are the most dramatic way they can signal a culture change. While they are long way from them actually being a truly “fair and balanced” news source with a good working environment for women, I think it makes sense to…
There is nothing to be embarrassed about. True Blood was for sex scenes and Lafayette.
Well, now you and Alexander also share excellent taste in trendy Jamaican food. Clearly, you are meant to be! I only saw him there the once, but you never know... ;)