
Perhaps, but in context, Gaga wouldn’t exist without Madonna. They’re really ladies working in the same tradition...Cher to Madonna to Gaga and so on. It was kind of petty of Gaga to make that kind of public statement. She really inhabits the world that her forebearers created, it’s classier to be respectful.

I just watched that season and I must say that I disagree. Her character’s fashion was amazing, but Gaga as an actress was just OK. There was a flatness to the role that I suspect a better actress would have made more alive. And I love AHS.

Both are true but since demographics are changing, they will have less power going forward. And some may find that living under a leader who is a woman is not as horrible as they imagine.

I hope so. No idea how elections are done in Ohio but I imagine it’s significantly harder to hack early ballots that are mailed in.

I read it. The lady’s main reason was that she is pro-life and needs a Republican in the White House to ‘safeguard the constitution and appoint pro-life judges’. Exhausting.

Cannot wait!

If you are local to NYC, you might try “Sleep No More”. It has all of the atmosphere with none of the jumping out at you.

I do appreciate that the press is finally figuring out that it’s patriotic not to pretend to be neutral about these wingnuts. People have been getting called out pretty hard, which is exactly what’s called for. I think many would stop being so extreme if they were confronted in the earlier stages of developing

Was it ‘The Pilgrims’?

It was the most miserable one. I loved it. They slowly ended up eating rotten fish, having an insurrection because the leader was ordering them to do stuff and one dude ran away and ate modern food for a day or two. They completely failed.

Am in London for business and saw a bit of this how last night. Love so much!

Came here to say this but you said it perfectly. I think Andrew McCarthy wore basically the same suit in the 80s.

Yoga is an excellent suggestion.

If I can offer a bit of advice, don’t wait until you start having sex. Get in touch with your body now in every way possible, through athletics, through masturbation and using vibrators/dildos as necessary. A key part of enjoying sex is knowing how to give yourself pleasure and you need to feel you own your own body

I’m sorry you’ve had such a rough time. I hope you’ve considered that your partner has a positive role to play in this too. He can touch you, go down on you and help you connect to your sensuality and sexuality in many ways that have nothing to do with penetration but may ultimately help you relax and enjoy sex.

You’re right, I misunderstood. Thanks for clarifying!

I haven’t been through the whole thing yet but watched the first few episodes last night. My only major take-back so far is that Orlando Bloom has been doing some damn fine work in the gym these past few years and I do appreciate it. On the other hand, the episode didn’t really make me want to have a threesome.

All narrative lives in a historical and cultural context. You’re just reading it as neutral because you’re not one of the excluded. However, I also love the Peregrine books and will probably enjoy movie. That doesn’t mean Burton couldn’t have expanded beyond his usual (literally) whitewashed landscape if he’d had a

They normally just extend. I would bet that they’ll release more tickets soon. In addition to the performance, they have several restaurants and a bar open so it’s pretty permanent :) Enjoy your trip!

No, the biggest thing I saw was the sort of Christ-scene at the end. I spent a lot of time wandering dark hallways by myself. However, a witch scene or a bloody Lady Macbeth bathtub scene does not a cohesive narrative make. I loved SNM, but the plot is more of a suggestion.