
Bolton vs. Littlefinger is a very good fight, and so is Bolton vs. Stannis. One thing that is different between him and Joffrey is that Bolton has already shown his true colors—everybody already knows what a psychopath he and his freakish son are. I doubt anybody wants the Boltons to remain in power except the

Was there a story behind the necklace? I don’t recall.

I love that Sansa seems reasonably comfortable even though she’s in a new nest of vipers. She knows they really can’t kill her (at least until she bears kids) and she knows that Ramsay is more expendable than she is. Her half-smile when Roose tells Ramsay that his new wife is pregnant was so good and she has mastered

You mean one one on 14th St? Yeah, it is insanely busy, but you just have to go there realizing that you’re going to be in line for 15 minutes. They get you in and out pretty quickly. West Side Market does seem to have nice produce. I just can’t hang with Wholefoods, my immigrant forebearers would be rolling in their

People always say that but I’ve honestly never had a problem. I usually don’t buy fruit there, but I find it’s fine for salad, Brussels sprouts or root vegetables. It’s certainly better than your average NYC supermarket (excluding the gourmet ones).

I love Trader Joe’s. I live in NYC and it’s such a treat to shop in a place with reasonable prices while still having lots of high-end feeling things. Also, everyone who works at TJ’s is ridiculously cheerful, even in stores so busy they regularly have to employ bouncers. I would love to know the TJ secret to

My view is that the article is really about a movement to hold onto Baby Boomer dollars as these folks age. My mom and her friends aren’t rich, but they vacation regularly, some buy fancy new cars every few years, etc. Some of them actually have functioning pensions, 401ks that are now supporting their lifestyles as

I keep a red scrunchie around for those occasions when I feel the need for superpowers. If I could keep a permanent stock of cherry slushies, I would do that as well. It is SO GOOD. The surreal cinematography, the clothing, the dialogue, Heather #1’s pink satin sleep-dress, the fact she slept like a vampire, the date

Thank you, fulanita! This sounds really good too. I am going to check it out as well. Thank goodness for these products.

I have thunder thighs (if you hear noise right now it’s because I am clapping them together). And for my well endowed sisters and brothers I highly recommend: It will solve all of your summer chafing issues. My jeans die horrible deaths after 6 months (if I am lucky) because of all of the

My pleasure :) Feel better and rest well!

This times x 1000! I stopped reading after the third or fourth paragraph because I thought the humor was lame and the idea behind the nastiness is that we should all be wearing something of higher quality (i.e. more expensive) material. It’s my preference not to wear anything shorter than knee length, and I would much

So true. And I guess now we know why. I just thought it was because there were so many ladies that wanted their feet done here that somehow they were able make money because of the volume?

They probably did feel judged that someone was witnessing their shenanigans and thinking (accurately) that they were aholes, and they were mad about that. But it is scary as hell to be the only girl among a pack of these kinds of dudes. You feel like the only deer amongst the hyenas and any false move could mean

No matter what I do I just can’t stop the charm offensive ;) I appreciate that you have been taking my comments with gracious good humor.

Her friend and tour guides did nothing to prevent the rest of the stuff that happened. You are greatly underestimating what it’s like to be the sole woman in a group that is either neutral/not wanting to get involved or actively against you. And also what it’s like when you are the most physically easy to take

Ahh yes, the never before heard perspective of the white male fraternity alumnus. We definitely need an investigative report.

As I mentioned before, she may have assessed the situation and decided that it wasn’t safe or worthwhile to approach any of them individually. Either way, your armchair quarterbacking while she had to actually deal with any of the potentially really bad fall-out is pretty weak. Women spend their lives trying to figure

You have a point, but saying to something to four obviously moronic frat bros can be really dangerous. She mentioned trying not to get her male friend involved and who else would she have talked to? It’s possible she could have had a heart to heart with one of them alone and hoped that he would ask his group to

Damn , you have learned the language of Bro. That was some damned fine anthropology.