Brave woman. ;)
Brave woman. ;)
that’s my fear as well, and I am older than you.
I am so scared to try it with my own photo. And yet so drawn...
In my opinion, it’s the most 80s, 80s movie ever. The cinematography is so great and you will see shoulder-pads and nosebleeds galore. And James Spader is at his louche, aristocratic best. I hope you enjoy!
Totally agree. He was incredible in Less than Zero but I feel like self-awareness didn’t necessarily follow sobriety. Or, perhaps he has that sort of stunted emotional development that can happen when you become an addict while still very young.
The most entertaining minutes of my life were spent paging through Russian Bride Magazine in a doctor’s office in outer Brooklyn. My friend was having a procedure, and I had all the fun. I couldn’t believe some of the dresses were real.
That is a fantastic end to the story! It sounds like the coordinator needed to get in big trouble. Some people just take whatever little power they get and immediately abuse it, but no adult should be calling girls ‘junior sluts’ or ‘sluts in training’. She shouldn’t have kept her job, frankly, but hopefully after…
Maybe. Personally, I try to treat everyone with respect, even if I have to put certain people back in their places occasionally.
I’d say more that respect is at two-way street. But that ‘insubordinance’ bit is total bullshit. In real life you have to stand your ground sometimes, let some things go and figure out when to do which thing. It seems to me that she made the right move.
In the real world, the conversation she had would not exist because adults are expected to dress appropriately, and ‘appropriately’ is widely agreed upon, not some arbitrary, policed code. And were she to be harassed by a colleague or a boss and reported to HR, the first thing they would ask if if she had addressed it…
Your family is fantastic! Please let her know that the Jezebel ladies send her so much love.
What did the school say?
I’m interracial and the black side of my family is pretty light-skinned, meaning that in all likelihood I am related to both slaves and slaves owners. The thing about racism (and all the isms) is that they are not committed by monsters someplace far away but by actual flawed humans who are part of us. It’s far better…
Me too. But I was also so attracted to him.
Would never make fun of Rizzo. Am properly scared of her. She and mean 80s James Spader would cut a bitch.
I stand corrected.
The best teenagers of all time were: Heather #1, Cindy Lauper (Girls Just Wanna Have Fun), Christian Slater and James Spader. Also acceptable were: Miley Cyrus, Judd Nelson, Mary Cherry, Ferris Bueller, Rizzo and Kenickie. If you feel annoyed a person on this list, you know they deserve to be there. John Cusack…
Personally, I agree that some people just get older than wiser but I avoid these people like the plague because they are assholes. You are supposed to be able to be mature and display socially reasonable behavior once your brain develops no matter how you are feeling on the inside. Also, most of the time adults are…
Sorry, but I'm not familiar with sex/bowel movements as a common trope; I was pointing out that it's possible for something to be private out of courtesy rather than shame. The example of your friend's mom doesn't apply because the article had nothing to do with making sure that children understand how their bodies…
The issue at hand is talking about sex lives with your parents, not relationships.