
If it helps, I think this is a generational viewpoint. When our moms were young, it was a thing to chop your hair and short styles were actually considered more chic and sophisticated (not to mention easier to take care of in a world with few styling products). Please do not cut your hair unless you really want to.

I was in Hong Kong in the fall and was just overwhelmed by the number of luxury stores—basically there are malls connecting the big buildings to each other filled with every extremely high-end brand you can think of. It was basically like being in a never-ending Short Hills Mall (Jersey reference). What creeped me out

Their store is right down the block from me and it is a magical place.

I watched this without sound because I'm at work and my biggest take-away is that the video is kind of annoying but these people are super hot and I would have sex with either/both/all of them.

Let's just say that if I did not care about this question, I probably would have 10 novels published. The amount of energy wasted on thinking about the way I look could probably power a small country.

Honestly, I have to think this is generational. I have tons of respect for Madonna, think her voice is just as strong as Rhianna and frankly, her impact on pop culture, bringing gay rights into the forefront, etc was much much greater. She was also always an incredible dancer and stage presence, and she worked her

I read that interview. She has been irritating me since the late 90s. When will it end? WHEN I ASK YOU?

I am in Paris right now for work (woo hoo!) and the first thing I noticed in the taxi ride over here were people who had just picked up baguettes from the store and were walking down the street eating them :) And somehow, the French get a pass from all fad dieter types because as the books tell us, French Women Don't

There are definitely some rude people in New York (as there are everywhere) but I suspect you're having a bigger issue with cultural differences. New Yorkers deal with many more people per day than folks living in other places. As a result, the culture is to be blunt, goal-oriented and action focused in dealings

Beautiful view! I'm sure I will—as soon as the snow we're supposed to get today melts :)

Or I could sit on my couch and eat peanut butter cups. Just sayin ;)

Honestly? I think that works better as an idea than in practice. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to stop what you are doing and evaluate something so elemental. That HALT (hungry, angry, lonely, tired) idea has been around forever.

You know, I think I may give this a shot in a few weeks (it's still barely above freezing in my area). I live in a city but I can imagine this being a great weekend activity once the weather is warmer. There's a beautiful area not too far from me with trails around a big lake. I've seen frogs, turtles, lizards,

I very much agree with this. Young women have really had to think about whether they want kids, whereas I don't see much in the media about men's choices around parenthood. I think there is still an underlying narrative that all men want to pass on their lineage eventually and this doesn't get much questioning (at

I agree wholeheartedly with this. Once I worked for a company with a strong culture where you were greatly encouraged to bond with your colleagues and many people's entire social lives were enmeshed with the place. The company absolutely used that to the best advantage. Even though I knew that, it was traumatizing



My immediate response to this article is that the writer has described living her romantic life by an absorbed script that she eventually dropped and now lives this part of her life much more consciously. I give her credit because this is really a good recipe for relationship success regardless of the situation. My

Not saying anything useful here, just that I went to Smith and it basically set me up for a better life.