
Then go lift. Why in christ are you commenting about stuff you care nothing about?

You act like they need to release all content right now instead of saving any for an expansion LOL I challenge you to log in and finish EVERYTHING that game has to offer right now before the first expansion. You will fail.

Great comeback, bro. Do you even lift? LOL

Someone's a moron.

All one has to do is look at the spec differences and realize the PS4 has way more horsepower for the long run than the XBone. Dismissing that as fact is just ignorant. Or fanboism.

Am i the only person here that just saw another Microsoft marketing article to attempt to save this console? I haven't even read the article, but all the comments suggest it's crap you can already do with other things out there.

1.0 was not really a game.

Well it's a good thing we're not talking about the original FFXIV then!

Seriously dude? Apples and Oranges. Have you even PLAYED the new version, or are you just flapping your gums for the sake of air flow?

So because you can put words on a page, you're an expert and game design and fun gameplay? Nucka, please.

I can't wait to watch you eat those words.

I don't understand the complaints with the shape. Sony made a rhombus; xbox made a box... obviously. X... BOX. If you aren't happy with a rhombus, what the fuck do you want? A sphere? A cylinder? A trapezoid? Or how about a fucking dodecahedron? Seriously? Your options here are severely limited without making it the


Fast & Furious 7: Need For Speed Drift

This all boils down to opinion in the end.

I'm pretty sure that I'm not trying to have a debate with you. At this point, I'm only calling you out for being the asshole that you are :-P Which is clearly defined by your repeated outbursts of immaturity.

I think at this point you've already proved the point to everyone that you're just an asshole. I'm out.

It's not the fact that you don't like the same stuff as us. I could care less about that. It's because the way said it was total asshattery.

What the hell is wrong with you, bro? You're acting like a maniac here. It's a fucking movie trailer. Either like it or don't. Christ!

It's not fake capitalization if that is what the company calls themselves. While it's a little immature to poke at the way someone types out a name, it's even more immature and, more importantly very unprofessional, to call the way a company formats their name as "bullshit fake capitalization".

Seraphna: You mean Rob Schneider is actually funny? This is complete news to me >.>

It always amazes me how often someone always seems to say how something amazes them that X, Y, and Z happened. Every single time. Your post contributed nothing but complaining. That said, you amaze me, sir.