
I’m looking over their website a bit and find it interesting. But I can’t locate any technical details on the encapsulation or encryption that their services uses?

I always liked the CollegeHumor FaceBook Law for Idiots video:

Does anyone know a good site with information on viewing the dump files? All the instructions and how to’s I’ve seen aren’t working for me. Files too big or unreadable or such like that.

But is Kickstarting them acceptable?

Two questions, and neither meant to a smart ass one.

I’m late to the party and just found this post, but I found it interesting that µTorrent got a top bid with some of this talk about installing bitcoin miners and such:

This is going to be one of those ignorant questions, I'm sure, but I'm curious. As I understand it the term "vape" comes from the e-ciggs that would use a liquid mix as opposed to a leave tobacco. The mix was super heated on inhale, mixing with the air and moisture in the lungs to produce the 'smoke' that comes with

Amazon. Of course. Thank you :)

I'd like to know where to get a glass jar like that. I think that's really neat.

Now playing

When I read this I was initially confused. I thought we were talking about Introversion and Defcon, which had been out for a while. Took me a while to realize we were talking about a different game. Hope he doesn't end up on some list somewhere.

Implying manipulation and passive aggression, "pretty little head." That's quite dismissive of someone's thoughts and feelings.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

You make your point quite well, and I particularly enjoyed the eggplant analogy, though I can't say I've ever had a particular liking of them. Thank you. You've given me some to think on, and I'll try to be aware of myself lest I find myself looking for eggplants in the wrong place. :)

Thank you for sharing. I guess in my, perhaps naive, perfect world you wouldn't be made to feel bad or intimidated or yelled at or anything for rejecting an advance of any kind. I'm sorry that happened to you, but thank you for sharing your experience.

I see stories like that from my friends quite often. Going from dick like to name calling and berating if declined. I think that's the sense of self entitlement that's been ground into the male mindset in our culture. If I can't have you, you're not worth anything to anyone. Sour grapes and all that.

I think when you imagine this scenario, you might be imagining a more confident version of yourself saying something like this. Or maybe you're imagining a cute nice girl telling you how handsome you are. But that's not how it is.

In this case intention is not so much at play as the perception.

Would it be taken differently in a cultural context free from the fear of rape and the victim blaming on top of it?

This. A thousand times this. This should be a regulatory requirement, like seat belts.

Are you sure she's not a comedian? Cause she sure says some funny shit.