
As someone who lived only a few blocks from there, and basically off of sixth, SIXTH DOES NOT NEED A BIKE LANE. There’s already bike lanes on 5th and on 7th! And parking in that neighborhood was already at the point where things were becoming quite difficult that if you knocked out an entire side of the street it

We have big parking problems here in the Boston area, too. A lot of urban churches are using vans to pick up their parrishoners and take them home again. Saves the hassle of parking, and makes it easier for the elderly to get to church.

Boy says to his dad “can I borrow the keys to the car”

Upon hearing the news, Mike Huckabee exclaimed: “Maybe North Korea’s not so bad after all!”

He is not gender specific in his criticism of people

It’s kindof like this. As a progressive Christian, the conservative crazy Christians will tell you you’re not really a Christian, since you are pro-choice and support gay marriage and want to help poor people. However, the non-religious people think we’re like the conservative Christians. We’re not.

Aw, it’s okay, bb.

i initially read that headline as

Men can be sexually assaulted, too.

It’s not a parable as in a parable from the Bible, but it is a parable as in “a simple story told to illustrate a lesson.”

Jessica Williams is a gawdamn national treasure.

The dems should just send Webb to the next republican debate so he can punch them all in the face.

no, Huckabee, liberals think it’s racist to be racist.

Oh yes Asians eating dog; this is cutting edge 1970’s material. I’m sure people think you’re racist because you don’t support the DPRK regime...

Ok so post debate here are my first annual ILikeThunderstorms DemDebate Awards recipients:

Go to to answer your burning questions about Lincoln Chaffee. Like: Who the fuck is Lincoln Chaffee?

Comparing Nazism to things that aren’t Nazism? Even far right non Jesus following “Christians” aren’t the equivalent of the Nazi party.

That’s what Christianity is supposed to be. We’re not all the crazysauce, so far right we’d fall off the earth, beyond judgemental, small minority religious nut people that have been making the news for the wrong reasons. Every once in awhile, you read something like this and it shows we’re actually human too :)