The PlayStation Vita is something of an oddity—a pricy, powerful portable gaming console adrift in a sea of…
The PlayStation Vita is something of an oddity—a pricy, powerful portable gaming console adrift in a sea of…
I agree that a lot of the grimoire content would have been to present via cut scenes or NPC exposition. I also agree they should have made it possible to view and read the cards or simply their content ingame.
By "presented in-game" I didn't mean sticking the grimoire cards in the game. That's something that should have been done and was likely and oversight. What I meant was they couldn't show you cutscenes detailing all this (that people would sit and watch, let alone watch more than once ever), or have a character stand…
Winner: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
can i say (with the obvious caveats that this was a horrible tragedy), the rush of so many news outlets to praise the work of Charlie Hebdo seems weird to me? Because I'm not really cool with supporting hateful imagery in the guise of "satire" or whatever the fuck they thought they were doing.
They're ecstatic!
Don't miss the part where she throws up horns.
Sometimes they don't even use English letters in math! This is AMERICA!
No need to go all the way to System Settings as others have said. Just hold down the PS Button and go into Adjust Devices. There'll be a volume control right there for the speaker.
I understand some disappointment in basically being forced into it, but I don't see why you'd get a PS4 and -not- get PS Plus+.
Wearing a bikini bottom 3 sizes too big = instant bikini bridge.
You're not thinking racist enough.
Ummm, where the hell is Uncharted 2? No, seriously...where the hell is it? Or Infamous?
You mean the company that designed Windows 8 was unable to release competent interface on their gaming console as well?
Unsurprisingly, half of the comments have turned into bashing America. The other half turns to bashing Xbox One. Way to go, guys. If you keep the stupidity even more consistent, maybe no one will notice.
Rise and shine Mr. Freeman! Your Tearaway remake probably wouldn't survive City 17, but at least it's cute! Tearaway'…
Iota/Atoi needs to be sony new mascot. Love this game.
Sony's handheld device might not be brimming with support and popularity, but it's definitely a solid piece of…