
I mainly just do the irish-goodbye at work outings where every single night out turns into a dick-measuring contest on who can stay out latest/be at the bar last.

OMG white ppl! So stupid amirite?

Or when they sometimes show that legendary Seneca Wallace highlight from the early 2000’s

Imagine caring this much about colin fucking kaepernick

I can’t wait to hear their spin on Mayweather saying faggot

wahhh! We’re deadspin and everything sucks!

Why even bring that here? You literally just want something to be mad about? Fucking relax

swing and a miss

I’m genuinely curious to hear from any cubs fans that liked Ron Santo, but hate hawk. Other than just hating him because he’s on the team from the other side of town, did you not like Hawk’s homerism? Because Santo was very guilty of that too and he was beloved by Cub fans

Is jay cutler blackballed too?

I’ve never seen someone describe gawker media so accurately

just chill out

unfortunately not, no matter what happens, there’s still going to be 60,000 morons that are going to pack that stadium for 8 games every fall. And until that stops, the mccaskeys are going to keep counting their money and churning out a mediocre football product

if you’re a sox fan, i can understand not really liking hawk, but if you can’t at least appreciate it for the entertainment factor then I just feel bad for you.

you deserved to be ripped a new one. Hawk is south side royalty

WAS known as the Darnold Bowl, but now that the bears used their #2 pick to draft the future qb, even if we have the #1 pick we’re not drafting Darnold, which really pisses me off because I think he’s going to be great

Gawker media is complete garbage. So how did the original meeting go about this? “hey, lets dig up a tape from 16 years ago and see if anyone said anything vaguely racist” pathetic

When will people finally begin to acknowledge that this guy pretty much owes his entire reputation on 1 great Dwyane Wade final four run? The guy has never been past the sweet 16 since 03 yet he’s somehow regarded as a big time coach.

as someone who watched about 90% of the games that season, the stats just dont tell the story with podsednik. Him batting leadoff was a huge part of that offense

The doom and gloom to which you people subscribe to knows no bounds. You actually think it’s just gonna be ICE agents going out and hunting for these people like they’re stray dogs?