
Which is exactly why when you are pulling a trailer you need to look before pulling out into traffic. Don't assume that pick up coming at you is paying attention. It doesn't matter how much speed he did or didn't scrub off, there should not have been a truck/trailer there in the first place. The camera truck did the

ABS doesn't screech..

A full size pickup is a lot of weight to bring to a stop, he scrubbed a good amount of speed off, but there was a lot of truck and trailer in front of him, and it looked like piles of snow on the side of the road, in the time it may have taken to find an out, he was splitting the truck and trailer.

Go Gertie Go! Don't ever lose that sweetness... If and when they decide to correct her palate, I have seen a couple dogs do very well. And every time I think I want another critter but my husband would just kill me(we have 3 cats and a dog) I donate to my favorite rescue.. It helps that feeling of wanting another one

That neighbor would have tire issues for as long as I lived there. You do not mess with my critters.. Also why my critters are all chipped, so there are no issues about who the owner is.

Yes shoulders and big boobs. Button up shirts and a non starter with me. Torrid is a godsend.. Cause if I can fit the shoulders and boobs I look pregnant.. Not a good look when you are not pregnant.

I love Torrid.. I am kind of in between regular and plus size. Bottoms I am 12/14 but up top cause I have shoulders and boobs I have to buy plus size shirts and Torrid is where I know I can get stuff. I love their graphic T-shirts. You just have to really shop sales and clearance, cause yeah its spendy. But usually

I wish I could grown my nails that long, Mine are like paper... Sadness.. Go Snoop!

Exactly what I saw when I looked at the Jeep pic above. But I want to see it. Sadly it is to small for what I need in a car. But if they do it right, it could sell really well.

I was maybe elementary school age, my mom would park me in the break room with my homework and headphones and told me to leave people the fuck alone. Which I did, most of her co-workers were really nice and hung out with me on their break. Probably cause I didn't bother them. I don't mind when folks bring in their

The long acting drugs were a godsend for me. They provide a baseline of relief and I still have short acting meds for when it gets bad and this winter has been bad. But the dose I take is still lower than if I was on only short acting meds. Two herniated discs in my lower back and as my doc put it "a good heaping

I can't add anything to improve on what you said. I will just "recommend" your post and tell you, I know the hell you have been through.

That was my portion after insurance. And don't tell me I did not prioritize properly, I had insurance, savings and it all got burned. I hope your life is always so perfect nothing ever happens to you cause you will have no idea how to keep your perfect life together when it all goes wrong. It might not be an accident,

Yeah I was being a total fucktard when I spent $12 thousand at the hospital and was out of work for three months.. Oh yeah that led to a car being repo'd. I thought not being crippled was more of a priority than my credit rating.. But now I know its better to be crippled than have shitty credit. Thanks for the tip..

It was on the table cause they didn't know how he would do. I caught a stray many years ago, she was terribly sick, ended up loosing an eye do to the horrid eye infection she had the other eye is terribly scarred over and is good to see light/shadow. I didn't know how bad she was when I took her in, I figured if she

Shut the fuck up, sanctimonious sack of shit. I need to find a few things that would like to use you as a "host" scabies comes to mind.

Thanks cause we have a Solstice in the house.. Though I think we have side stepped this issue with a Keyport..

Cause they are stupid. No more no less. My mom had it and that cough stays with you the rest of your life.. It does not make your immune system stronger, it damages your lungs and leaves you to a life of every cold is now bronchitis, or worse pneumonia.

Nope I agree. I have seen this crash almost play out many times through my own windshield. They can't judge the speed of traffic coming at them, then wait to long to make their move and don't make the move with authority. Its like they are afraid of the gas pedal, sometimes its the right move to give it a boot full.

You can visit, just make sure your shots are up to date. What I do up here in WA.. I don't have or want kids, but having a mom who had whooping cough and the horrible cough she was saddled with for the rest of her life is not worth skipping a couple shots.. Every cough was like she was dying, it was horrible.. And