True story: Steve Jobs never drove a car with a license plate. He would swap out cars every 90 days with his leasing agency, which is technically allowed under California law. He was kind of paranoid, which is common with narcissists and borderline sociopaths. I'm sure the copious amounts of drugs he took in the

D stands for driverless

There is a %0.0 percent chance of D standing for Diesel.

Sounds like a lot of issues to overcome. I question the wisdom of packing so many people so close together.

Psss dumbass, your drywall is nothing more than gypsum + cardboard, so your house is already made of cardboard.

I've had a coffee table from IKEA for nearly 20 years...

Or wood. Which is what their stuff is made of.

Reality vs perception. Ikea is not cheap, nor is it cheaply made. Try again.

I like this better:

big whoop

Not really much of an issue since we aren't using little microcontrollers anymore. Remember that no matter how complex software is, the CPU load determines the battery drain, not the size of the executable and libraries. With a Linux kernel, you can modularize a lot of functions and hardware support and it just eats

This is great for professionals that can create custom sensors for the device and bring them out in the field since being google, this thing is going to be highly open source. So instead of a normal camera you could swap it out for a heat sensing infrared camera to find bodies in piles of rubble. Or if you're in

You must be from the "64k is enough" camp.

Coins last 15 times longer than bills, making them significantly more cost effective, which is prefered for lower value demonications.


define 8-bit ... or do you just slap it on anything pixel art ?