They did say more precise. I suppose this means you'll have a higher chance shooting someone accurately without aim assist on.
They did say more precise. I suppose this means you'll have a higher chance shooting someone accurately without aim assist on.
Sure of course he used ads. Nobody is surprised or amazed that a Android app is using ads. How would the 50k in a day come in lol ?
I never said he charged anyone.
Now they just take to twitter, complain about how they can't handle being famous like Kurt Cobain and the $50k rolling in everyday and proceed to pull the game from app stores
If I can tell you who the actress was is that wrong?
It was posted with 4-5 stars so that the reviewer could actually ensure the comments ended up on the app store instead of being redirected to NULL
Because it's 'Plagiarism'. Doing shit like that in university can get you kicked out and blacklisted and get fired in the corporate world.
Link baiting headline I think. He said maybe.
You would have to take that up with Nvidia. As far AMD is concerned, support is ultimately up to Nvidia providing implementation and acceptance in the form of a driver. If they buy in to what Mantle can provide they most certainly can provide a driver that will do it.
It's called superfetch. It works with any application you used recently including Internet Explorer. Basically if your usage behavior includes this frequently used application, it will probably have parts of it preloaded and ready to go.
Looks ok on the PS2 and Gamecube. The problem was the initial PC port used the same textures that were used there. Guess what ? It looked bad and some how or rather there was zero light mapping applied, so everything was over bright. Awful port is the most generous comment you could give about it.
Custom PBC or design so maybe they have soldered GPU on to it. There's no way you can upgrade that. Unless they use some of the MX chips for GPU then you could swap it out like some of the bigger Alienware laptops (M15x etc).
I never said that. Those are your words. I'll spend my money on whatever the Hell I want, your opinion not withstanding.
As much as the author likes to hate gamers for hating them, the truth is games are being increasingly shipped in a broken state or have core game play mechanics that are particularly un-fun.
I like most shooters but frankly I think cs is more twitch skill based then anything else.
That's pretty much how CS works. I can't stand that nonsense. Maybe you can try other games like COD or BF4 (despite the issues). You're getting shut down by pros in a tight corridor? No problem LVG or RPG the corridor. Maybe flank them and plant C4 on them.
You could do that in one of the previous BF games (I'm not sure having joined only in BF3 & 4).
Yeah Bob, agree with you they can cosplay and where what they want
So if a woman wears a low cut dress you can see the top bits of her assets it is OK but it's not OK if you see the bits of the asset below (the rest of it covered up)?
What do you mean? It's entirely possible for this to happen in BF 4. Ooooooo lets spawn on A to help my team. Black screen lifts. You die...... killed by someone hanging around A