May 1 marks the anniversary of the death of Formula One legend Ayrton Senna, one of the greatest racing drivers the…
May 1 marks the anniversary of the death of Formula One legend Ayrton Senna, one of the greatest racing drivers the…
Pretty sure there is a Toyota Hilux in there somewhere...
I think Ken Block would like to have a word with you.
HAH! I didn't win the AOTD with my submission because it was such an unbelievably bad team that it required it's own article!
If they made a sequel to 6 with the same characters I would pre order it no questions asked.
This just in:
It's not every day I find myself siding with the Goth kids.
You going to go pick up your Xbox One with a horse drawn carriage too?
A large majority of the ads on the 360 dashboard were for Xbox store offerings. Yet people don't claim it's 10% ads, they claim it is 90% ads.
It's getting obnoxious how often these comments show up on Xbox One videos. You act like nobody uses the Xbox except for games, yet Netflix and Hulu are some of the top uses for it. You may only care about games, but other people happen to have a more diverse set of interests and appreciate a full featured console…
Wow, waaaaaamulance incoming...
Oh please just shut the fuck up and leave
Yes, reporting on all the negatives and mind fuckingly bad moves MSoft has made week after week surely means Kotaku is in their back pocket!
Seriously the dumbest comment I've seen all day.
Judging by the lack of serious skid marks, it looks like he did this on the first try. I love the video game/behind the car video angle.
I can't see myself investing nearly the price of the console into a storage solution that matches the included solution in size, but is unproven in as far as performance gains and longevity is concerned.
I can't see myself investing nearly the price of the console into a storage solution that matches the included…
I was already sold on the Kinect with "Xbox, Next episode."
"Why anyone would chose Xbone over PS4 I cannot fathom"
Feature sets. You don't care for anything the Xbox One does different. That's fine. To make a sweeping statement discounting the possibility of anyone feeling differently about them, however, is ignorant.