
My idea for the first trailer was just going to be shots for the 19 movies leading up to this one, with a voiceover of Tony Stark saying, “The Avengers. It’s what we call ourselves, sorta like a team. “Earth’s Mightiest Heroes” type thing. Takes us a while to get any traction. But let’s do a head count here. A

Why doesn’t ant man crawl up Thanos’ butt tiny and grow normal sized? 

I think it was the back end of the axe.

I’m pretty convinced we’re all being made more stupid by the day with each successive story about this moron. The range of comments that come into my head used to be fairly broad and nuanced, and now all I can ever think is, “He is SUCH a fucking idiot. How in the ever living fuck did that many people not see it?”

Today in: things I forgot about because they were too stupid. 

but like, a real version though, none of this Simple Life 2004 version.

This is a reality show I might actually watch.  “Rich assholes change their own oil, and other menial tasks.”

“I just want to be able to watch FOX news, draped in a Confederate flag, caressing my pistol, and tell our waitress (has to be a waitress) why we need to get rid Mexicans while enjoying my mayonnaise sandwich without having to hear about identity politics. Is that too much to ask?”

Stop inviting bad-faith shitheels like Matt Gaetz on TV. Broadcasting his lies does no good for anybody, and only improves his standing with the Republican cult. 

“wait, I thought the guys in white hoods were on our side”

So, I’m not a lawyer, but my understanding of US law is that if you actually break into something without permission, you are doing something illegal, even if you don’t take anything. To be clear here, the researcher did not break in at all; he just pointed out that this is all completely open and anybody could break

Dell, you and I both know, as do many others, that this app isn’t about finding conservative safe spaces. It’s about finding the places that aren’t so they can protest them and raise hell and try and ruin the non-conservative business.

Leak the emails; name the users.  

Everything he accessed is open to the public, and he didn’t pull any non-public data out. No crime was committed. This MAGA hat guy was so dumb he basically left the front door wide open on his dumb web app. The researcher didn’t have to do anything more than the IT security equivalent of saying “your front door is

Sorry but you are wrong here. You do not understand the law you are attempting to quote. TR4-250 has it correct. This is a public facing application which was accessed without circumventing any security measures. There is no law broken here. Now as for 63red, they could easy be on the wrong end of a civil suit for

Why is the face blurred in the video? Scumbag’s face should be shown in the chance that someone recognizes him and reports him.

The guy who wants to “take politics out of public spaces” wants a list of businesses that’ll let him inject HIS politics into their space?

I know, right? I thought they made fun of liberals for needing safe spaces. This is some refreshing honesty from the right for a change.

Is the number 63 some secret conservative thing? (I get why it’s red, of course.)

Thoughts and prayers to their bruised egos