
Same experience, same conclusion. I can only guess that every Chrysler 200 out there is a rental.

Unfortunate, but probably true.

Well, if a 10% wage increase increased prices .4% doesn’t sound all that bad… until you realize that’s .4% per part, and the average car has around 30,000 parts in it today. Fast forward 50 years, and that’s part of the reason that the Cadillac Don Draper paid $6,500 for in 1960 would cost him $72,000 today.

“However, a pilot’s choices are greatly diminished if neither engine is making power simultaneously.”

I was half expecting this list to be:

Something something metaphor for the eventual failure of any model of Keynesian economics...

You aren't the only one.

I don't imagine that there are many members of that club. And I imagine the members wish they weren't.

Not 1995 MSRP; they are talking about the MSRP of a new one today. A little misleading? Maybe. But it is all there in the article.

Oh wow, that’s terrible. I’d not seen that before, and now I can’t unsee it.

I believe you are correct.

The ATS-Vsedan will start at $61,460, and the ATS-Vcoupe will start at $63,660. (You'd think you'd pay more for extra doors, but no.) Those prices are without tax, title, dealer fees, options or the TruCoat, which you'll want.

a 2010 with over 72,000 miles? Pass.

I look at this abomination, and all I can think it "Kill it with fire!"

Damn, that poor car. The driver does not deserve such a fine automobile. The driver should be forced to surrender ownership to someone that would appreciate it. Take care of it. Like me, for instance. Why me? Because I called 'dibs' before any of you. So there.

Who thinks of stuff like this? If I were driving and suddenly found myself in excruciating pain, and noticed this thing sitting there, I'd speed up to get out of range as soon as possible.

GM stock now almost down to IPO levels

Money =/= taste.

So essentially, their business strategy is to corner the NBA Player market?

Paul- sent you an email. Great pics, and I love the idea for the column!