
Does anyone else see a little 3rd-Generation Elantra in this, or is it just me?

I understand progress, and I think the designers of the C7 were trying to harken back to the origins, what with two lights on each side. But in execution, it just looks too overwrought. Overstyled and busy are two words that come to mind.

It started with the ZR-1, and was later adopted across the line.

I call bullshit on the assertion that the falcon-wing doors can open in a smaller area than a minivan's sliding door. Maybe it's just the angle of the top and third photos, but they both look like they hang a lot further out than a sliding door.

Well, sure. If you use the roof rack, and happen to have an Aunt Edna...

The side profile looks pretty nice, with one glaring exception that just makes my head hurt- the air diffuser behind the front wheel on the front quarter panel. It's just this straight slash at a 45 degree (more or less) angle. It just feels like it ruins all of the other lines on the car. I'd much prefer to see

This is what happens when one Honda designer bets another a dollar that they can't design something uglier than the Honda Crosstour.

My god. That Sport Compact Car article linked from #3 is just... is just... I have no words.

Looking at that, I have to wonder why they stopped at two. There's clearly room for another pair above the top pair. Then they would have pop up headlights on top of pop up headlights on top of pop up headlights...

I'll give it a shot:

You know, there's still some odd spacing there. Would look better with 8.

Is that a refueling port there in the center of the grille?

Each one of the louvers in the hood is worth an extra 5 horsepower, right?

You also need to take the exchange rate into account. £ 9,000 =$14,432 at today's rates.

This. This right here. If this were an Answers of the Day, the LF-A would be every answer from 10 all the way to 1.

More roundabouts? No. Please, no. I beseech you, almighty automotive gods, no.

My goodness- how did I not recognize that?

Okay, I give up- what movie?

Well, it's pretty common these days... but it is a future model. So if Jaguar gets enough negative feedback about it, they may redesign / reduce / eliminate it prior to general availability in favor of a more classic look. Maybe not, but there's always hope.

They already have that. It's called GridPoint. The concept was that it was connected to the internet, so it knew when demand (and prices) were lowest, and would recharge itself in the middle of the night. During peak demand, the house would run off the batteries instead of the grid.