How does he die anyway? Is Kim Jong Ill?
How does he die anyway? Is Kim Jong Ill?
Looks fun and the controls seem responsive.
Kevin Butler = Meme Generator
Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus
Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus
Make it happen please.
Make it happen please.
Make it happen please.
Make it happen please.
What an absolutely fantastic trailer. We need more trailers like this for games. There is such a skill to creating trailers and it's my opinion that a good trailer can be a thing of beauty. This proved just that whilst piquing my interest in a game that 10 minutes ago I knew nothing about.
That very last story gave me chills.
Browsing through the comments there are some seriously good submissions. Can't wait to see the top 20.
@skitzogreg: Excellent.
Its only just dawned on me how incredible a hardcore gaming device with full controls and a touch screen, could be. The Okami picture swung me. Please Sony, make this happen.
Could be kind of fun. I've always been a fan of the arcadey handling in Ridge Racer. I just hope they don't make it all about taking people out. A dark urban, street culture inspired, Ridge Racer has promise; another Burnout clone does not.
@nerdydesi: Its kinda built in to their culture; they're just very proud and polite and foreigners seem the opposite (and stick out like sore thumbs). However, in practice, they were all friendly. I think its just a little bit of a misconception.
Pix'n'Love Rush is still one of my favourite iPhone Games.
More power to him. What a fantastically simple yet evocative way to prove a point.
Jeez! NBC needs to calm down. 17 years ago is a long time, it's less than that that I didn't know what the internet was.