It looks great. I'd love to give it a go. Extra kudos from me for having the Hilltop Zone music on Emerald Hill 2 in the video. I love that music :)

I'm surprised Bioshock wasn't on this list. That made you question the very reason you were playing without withdrawing you at all. It actually furthers your immersion.

There were people playing this at TGS and it just didn't work. They were flailing around like idiots and the onscreen avatars barely resembled what they were doing. The whole thing just looked unresponsive and not at all fun.

Somehow that made me want Kinect even less.

I think the smartest one in this tale is Mitman. He understands both sides and was curteous to each when necessary.

All this did was remind me how much of an absolutely beautiful experience Flower is. What a fantastic game.

I think borrowing great gameplay is not neccesarily a bad idea. It could really help liven up some of the dire super hero games and make them at least somewhat enjoyable, take X-Men Origins: Wolverine for example.

That is ridiculous. It's unfair to only give the beta to people that pay when I've been a PS3 supporter since day one (silly I know). The reason i dont have PSN+ is because it's a glorified pay for coupons service. When their is some value to it, I'll subscribe. I guess this is them trying to give it some value but

Still buying it.

@Striderhayasa - Can we get some damn m/kb support?!: Man. I wish I could demote comments. You seem knowledgeable but these comments aren't the greatest. I don't wish to get into a control scheme argument with you, and you're of course entitled to your own opinion. But the way you've expressed it is angry and

@Kovitlac: You should. It's a brilliant, artistic, peaceful experience. It's not a game 'per se', but you interact with a world and it tells a very charming, if simple, story.

How long before someone sues?

Fuck this PSNplus bullshit. It's like paying for coupons! I own all consoles but I am a proud Playstation gamer mainly and, for me at least, until they add something useful to this service there is no reason to upgrade.

I went off EA for a while a few years back, but their support of new IPs won me back over. I'm grateful to them for games like Mirror's Edge and Dead Space.

@xsbs: That's just PA speak for "more money than we want to spend".

Kotick seems like a nice guy to me.

@xsbs: I'm nit saying they could do it now. I meant when the console was launched they would've known that eventually they'd add 1:1 tracking. I wish they'd bitten the bullet back then and just made the wii remote with motion plus functionality as standard in the regular wii remote. And while were at it: rechargeable

I hate that I'm so judgemental but I still hate the motion plus. The functionality is great but I just begrudge having had to pay for it when they really should've put it in the remote to begin with.

Didn't need an apology.

15 mins for GT5!?