@Đipic: True dat
@Đipic: True dat
I bet this looks fantastic in motion
@Ashurahori: You, sir, are all kinds of awesome.
Does anyone know the UK release date for this?
Do PETA just go around and find stuff to bitch about that isn't harming animals and then get it removed? Because that what it seems like. ALL the damn time.
@8thR, Punburglar: Yeah well spotted, it must be. It even looks the same :S
@2NinjasTapedTogether: yeah I agree, in the early levels anyway. But I found that the level design was AWFUL, just over cluttered.
Please let this be good. Each Treyarch game gets progressively better because of the IW release in between, in my opinion. So this one could actually be great fun. Maybe.
Oh COD, the future is looking gloomy.
@Aki: Never heard of it. Is it Mac compatible?
I'm happy but I want Audiosurf for Mac before I really start singing the praises.
OK EA, you just tell yourselves that.
@dowingba: Except without the amazing Metropolis Zone music. :(
We'll see Treyarch. We'll see.
That ninja clip is sick! Super stealthy.
@netMASA: nice stick man
@businessbard: I agree about the music. The higher tempo in the D-13 trailer makes it seem faster paced, while the POP one seems slow.
Dissappointed at the lack of wall running.
Taking up that challenge. To the shark :)
@Pretty Sneaky Sis: Me too. I wonder what is going on behind the closed doors at Activision.