@businessbard: I agree about the music. The higher tempo in the D-13 trailer makes it seem faster paced, while the POP one seems slow.

Dissappointed at the lack of wall running.

Taking up that challenge. To the shark :)

@Pretty Sneaky Sis: Me too. I wonder what is going on behind the closed doors at Activision.

I thought the guys that left Infinity Ward had sole access to Call of Duty set in the modern day/near or distant future? Or was that just the Modern Warfare brand not (modern day) Call of Duty games?

I didn't mind the GOW3 story at all, although the ending was a bit cliche.

Well, Activision ARE gonna need someone to develop COD. Treyarch certainly aren't doing it well.

He's gonna be pissed when he finds out Sony are now making firmware updates mandatory and that they will download automatically.

@NexusSIX: Drake is BaaAAaaack!: Spot on man! That film had some amazing choreography and I thought the whole concept of Gun-Fu was equal parts clever and awesome. :)

@ThursdayNext: Agreed. Interesting film. Brutal Action. T&A. It just lost it when it tried to get philosophical.

@JediPeteSolo: I almost said something but then decided not to. lol. But I'm glad someone else noticed too.

First of all, interesting read, but I don't really see how this relates to games specifically.

I'm truly glad this site exists. :)

@VicViper: I agree. I watched this film after seeing the parodies and loved it. But I guess sometimes, often maybe, distributors cant see the wood for the trees.

Regenerating health

@Shad0X: Some. The games have to support it. But I remember reading that Wipeout HD, Motorstrom and Avatar (bleh) all support 3D already :)

@urbanGECKO: At least this one is tolerable. Some of the autotuned rnb crap posted in these comments is awful.