@laughingdog: Your poem comments rule! Nice job man.

@MSUHitman: I didn't think of that. Well thought out. If the game had hinted at that I would've appreciated it.

I would hardly call the first 2 of these plot holes. The blackouts and Ethan's mumblings are insinuated to be because of the traumatic mental state he was left in after being in a coma for 6 months, after being hit by a car and failing to save his son. I would say that the mumblings about the drowning kids, which in

When I clicked play the web page froze and I had to refresh. So maybe my computer really can't run that flip book :)

Frankly, the exclusivity and pricing means I'll have to wait.

@Alternate: Well, if you payed my royaltiess, it wouldn't have to get ugly. :P

I'd like to do one of these with the old God Hand promotional artwork, but I cant get on Photoshop untill tommorow night. :( If I can I'll try and sneak it in before the end of the competition :)

@Comban will Ban you.: This is true. Although the monkey one on the Wii is very funny when drunk. :)

@crd22: Thats a good idea. I did start Fallout, but never finished it. Plus I've got a few recent games to plough through anyway. Thanks for the advice :)

I'm now officially excited.

I am not 'stimulated' to spend that ridiculous amount of money on 3 new maps.

About time.

@PsychoNun: Oh! I didnt mean sniping. I like sniping myself, both the traditional and quick scoping kind (which by the way, is quite popular in MW2). Sorry, should've clarified. I meant people ducking out of sight and abusing blindspots etc... They suck.

This is exactly the stuff that gives gamers a bad name. What an unstable maniac.

@PsychoNun: That, to me, is the definition of camping. And it sucks.

@geiko: Duly noted. I dont wish to offend.

@geiko: I agree. Sometimes its a legit strategy. Especially at strategic points in objective based game types.

@1UPForever: I agree. I feel society has totally got sex and violence the wrong way round.

@jargy1: I was stating images of war, not war itself.