Yeah well. Eddie never raped anyone.
Yeah well. Eddie never raped anyone.
Is a Splatoon fun? I just got a switch a few months ago and I’m looking to add to my library.
But from what I understand this now goes to the Republican controlled senate. Which they’ve been very vocal that they have no intention of removing Trump from office. I mean, there’s a chance he’s going to be put on trial but it’s extremely small. It’s hard for me to get excited about all of this.
Take all of what was said and now factor in that it goes up against Rise of Skywalker. Yeeeeeeesh.
Any tournament where Punk loses is a great time. Mad props to iDom.
Ehhhhh probably right about that. But I can say that most of the old guard is still around and they love them some Gary Stu. Give them time to create a new core cast. Whenever that happens I’m sure we’ll see Drizzt become a demi god or some crap.
Drizzt and Elminster still move products.
That’s like getting rid of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Those are their mascots. I agree, we need some new faces but I can understand holding on to certain characters.
Drizzt is basically a fighter with a ranger skin and a figurine of wonderous power.
Wow, ty for the breakdown. I wish you were my friend all those years ago lol.
Yeah I just remember doing like 3-5 damage on these lizard guys and then getting bodied by the first boss. Was enough for me to throw in the towel. It did inspire me to create an entire DnD campaign based on the game’s theme and setting. I played the heck out of that lol.
I was a squaresoft nut and purchased this day one. I played it for about 5-6 hours and could not for the life of me understand the combat. I gave up and now it’s in a box somewhere in my parents house. It remains to this day, one of my most shameful memories.
Those are great to mod XWing ship bases.
Those are great to mod XWing ship bases.
Jesus. I thought that header image was in game graphics for a second.
She was the main reason I stuck around. See ya folks. God speed.
What are the odds of a major patch that changes the game?
I want Breakpoint to be less like Breakpoint and more like a Wildlands part 2
A pit fiend and a green dragon at 6 lvl? Madness!
As another Muslim American I totally agree with this. I’m tired of all this melancholy stuff.
Jesus. Those guys must be like lvl 20+. That’s a hell of an encounter.