True true
True true
check your privilege son.
I’m getting mixed reviews about the technical aspects of the game. This guy was telling me NOT TO PLAY IT YET because of game breaking bugs on the PS4. Something like it ruining your saves of just completely shutting off. Has anyone experienced this or anything else that might be considered annoying? I was really…
Same here man. I ONLY play female avatars and I’ve never been harassed. I think people now just assume everyone is a guy behind the controller/Screen. I’m sure if the mic is on and it’s clearly a female, that’s when you really see the sick shit come to the surface. Having a lot of female friends share their stories…
I have seen far, far worse on twitch. This seems really dumb.
That’s a bold move, let’s see how it plays out.
I’m curious. Are the cosplayer that are wearing very revealing outfits allowed in the convention hall? I read on a IG post something about people having to stay outside until they covered up.
Remember when Apex was the Fortnite killer?
There are so many fedoras in this comment section.
It’s sad how they want to argue with you without knowing much about sports or the business of sports. Your patience is admirable.
The burn was she makes more in a week than they make in a year. I’m sure with a part time job at Wendy’s someone an make more than an average of 2,500$ a year.
Same lol. Also, I was giving him the benefit of the doubt Incase he really was a good artist. I dabble in illustration myself so I’m always eager to see someone else’s style.
Fascinating. I love videos like this.
Were those quotes of his word for word? Because damn, it doesn’t follow any coherent thought. Giving me Donald Trump vibes.
Whoa. Harvey Keitel is in it. Wtf man.
Ninja doesn’t participate in these events? I’m not a follower of this game but from what I would read on many websites, he seemed like the guy to beat at Fortnite.
Oh sweet
Humor is subjective. You can’t expect everyone to like every single comedian out there.
Let’s see some art brother.
That’s basically a crappier version of her Alpha costume.