True or false, this woman was savagely beaten. In no way is this fucking acceptable. Whoever did this (most likely Shady) should be punished to the full extent of the law. This is disgusting. This shit must stop.
True or false, this woman was savagely beaten. In no way is this fucking acceptable. Whoever did this (most likely Shady) should be punished to the full extent of the law. This is disgusting. This shit must stop.
I’d like to add that Costco’s Kirkland signature beef franks are fucking awesome too.
She (and her husband) is hands down the best in the business. Incredible attention to detail, masterfully painted and assembled. No one does it better imo.
I don’t mind debating those topics with people either, I’m just referencing the old adage. I also don’t shy away from letting people know how I feel about the TLJ but like I said before, I’m not him so I really can’t say for sure what he meant. It’s just the way I interpreted his comment. Btw, just out of curiosity…
The way i took his comment is a.) he’s voicing his displeasure at the constant need to defend TLJ and b.) lump everyone who thinks it is a bad movie in the same trash heap that the “man babies” are in. I can’t know for sure but that’s my take away. Either way this movie has really divided people so much that you…
Actually, based on what he said, I dont think so. He just expressed his issues with the film he’s not trying to remake the damn thing.
Lmaooooooooo wow. Where did he say anything about all of that? You know, some people just didn’t like the movie.
Font issues and misspelling. I would pay obscene amounts of money to be in the room when the asshole that created this logo leaned back in his chair, smiled at his monitor and said “Nailed it.”
That poor hamster :(
Then that means Hero 29 will be Richard Gere for sure.
I scared to find out who Tumblr decides this little guy has to fuck.
I have the same problem. I used to think it’s because I’m now married and in my late thirties but it’s actually just Overwatch.
Every time I see your avatar, I think it’s Fry from Futurama looking up at the sky in wonder. It blows my mind when I realize what it is.
That is the recommendation thingy. Basically people give you brownie points for being good. You can vote after every match and give out a total of 3 points to your teammates. But not to people already in your party.
Tin foil hat on, do you think since they’re already locks for the 16 rounder this was a “hey look we’re totally not fixing the World Cup” scenario?
All they know is they are doing God’s work by locking up all these bad hombres before they have a chance to be grown up bad hombres. As long as The Orange idiot attaches a tag line to it, these fucking inbred shit eating dick bags will be all for whatever horrible shit goes down. Tell your grandfather I said thank you…
At first glance of the black version, without reading the article, I thought “what a dumb looking character.” Even making it red wasn’t going to change that. But then after I read the article the racisim point was illuminated and I saw what the potential problem would be. Like it resembling black face was so far off…
Jesus. I though I was looking at concept art without reading the headline. Wow!
Same. I couldn’t stand his ass. I found him super pretentious and the way he ate was really gross. His little monologues annoyed me and like you, I thought it was all an act. But that being said I always lingered on the show when I channel surfed and caught No Resevervations. I remember being impressed at how he kinda…