
I scared to find out who Tumblr decides this little guy has to fuck. 

I have the same problem. I used to think it’s because I’m now married and in my late thirties but it’s actually just Overwatch. 

Every time I see your avatar, I think it’s Fry from Futurama looking up at the sky in wonder. It blows my mind when I realize what it is. 

That is the recommendation thingy. Basically people give you brownie points for being good. You can vote after every match and give out a total of 3 points to your teammates. But not to people already in your party. 

Tin foil hat on, do you think since they’re already locks for the 16 rounder this was a “hey look we’re totally not fixing the World Cup” scenario?

All they know is they are doing God’s work by locking up all these bad hombres before they have a chance to be grown up bad hombres. As long as The Orange idiot attaches a tag line to it, these fucking inbred shit eating dick bags will be all for whatever horrible shit goes down. Tell your grandfather I said thank you

At first glance of the black version, without reading the article, I thought “what a dumb looking character.” Even making it red wasn’t going to change that. But then after I read the article the racisim point was illuminated and I saw what the potential problem would be. Like it resembling black face was so far off

Jesus. I though I was looking at concept art without reading the headline. Wow!

Same. I couldn’t stand his ass. I found him super pretentious and the way he ate was really gross. His little monologues annoyed me and like you, I thought it was all an act. But that being said I always lingered on the show when I channel surfed and caught No Resevervations. I remember being impressed at how he kinda

Dani is a very talented cosplayer. Her Chun Li is what drew me to finding out about her.

From a Pens fan. Congratulations Caps! I’m so happy for you, your city and Ovi. I’m glad he finally got the monkey off his back. When he lifted the cup I actually cried a little. Pure, genuine elation. That’s the good stuff.

I’ve never actually seen anyone with a “I commit arson” face. But here we are.

I never get tired of reading these -damage control the day after posts- people write. “Guys I’m really not racist, just disregard my documented social media history of bigotry and ignorance. I was just super mad and lost control. I mean, I live with a black and a yellow! I’m sooooooo not a Nazi.”

Is the set/back drop CGI or is it actual props? Because either way, it’s impressive as heck!

No. It’s the rude way he was speaking. Clearly trying to get a rise out of him. You can have a different opinion just don’t be a dick about it.

He’s just trying to troll you. Just ignore.

Best deal is the Costco Footlong/Polish. 1.50$ AND A DRINK

I’ve always thought of JR Smith as one of those little fish that swim near the mouth of a shark. Such a waste of roster space.

Damn. Awesome comment. You’ve got some serious basketball smarts. Are you a sports writer by any chance?