Yeah they’ve done the same thing with the Arabian and Asian people of Forgotten Realms. I mean I still haven’t been able to get a resurrection of Al-Qadim. I get when they go the stereotype route because it’s easy and familiar. But yeah, I agree that there should be a little flip to it. When I play FR these days I use

I think he’s implying Zeke got in trouble for sexual assault. Which is also news to me. I thought it was physical assault.

I just recently became aware of this whole thing. One thing is to hear there are allegations, it’s a whole nother thing to actually read what what happened. HOLY FUCK THIS PIECE OF DOG SHIT IS A FUCKING MONSTER.


Fuck, this game is beautiful. Bravo to the team and I hope it does well.

At first I was like “damn, I have to play as Jack.” But then I did the final quest and I was like, “damn, that’s fucking awesome”

  • It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we

It’s insane that that transcript comes from the mouth of our fucking president. Jesus Christ.

You gotta keep em separated 🎶

Talented Mr. Magus

Severe OCD

With a quick glance it looks like he’s skateboarding!

One of the few rappers I give props to these days. Current industry is oversaturated with hot garbage.

Just curious, how do you rank his lyrics compared to the other greats?

WOW. Top 5 of all time spanning all genres or just hip hop?

Im willing to bet this guy is a serial killer. There’s probably more bodies down there.

Dude! That game was so badass

lol /respect

ARC Systems can do no wrong. The hype is real.

Damn they didn’t fix that? I could have sworn my buddy told me they adjusted that crap. He recently jumped back and and said the same it totally different. I didn’t listen, waiting for Destiny 2.