i can confirm the prices on FF3 and Zelda for the SNES. I paid, it my allowance money, 70$ + tax for Zelda at Sears. And my parents paid about 75-80$ for ff3.
i can confirm the prices on FF3 and Zelda for the SNES. I paid, it my allowance money, 70$ + tax for Zelda at Sears. And my parents paid about 75-80$ for ff3.
Hmmm, looks interesting. As in, I can probably get laid there?
I think he needs to get his money back. He looks more like Justin Bieber.
Every year I hope beyond hope that Capcom announces another Rival Schools. Hell, at this point I’ll welcome some RS characters in SFV. I was so sick with Akira. /tears
I can’t stand Punk. But I’d rather him win over that putz Wolfkrone
Whooooa what? What did he say about them?
Thanks for the write up, it was very helpful :)
Damn. He looks and plays badass.
Yeah Im, def going to try and get some friends to play with. The general consensus is that its only fun co-op. lol
Thats my plan, to wait for a good sale.
Im gonna try my best to bring some friends of mine on for the ride.
Sweet, anything thats like Mad Max sounds like a good time!
i saw a few videos and it looked quite fun. Granted, they were all people playing together online.
Ok, gonna make sure I get some buddies to roll with.
Im going to try and get some of my friends who have played the demo to try it out with me.
lol i saw a video about the driving. not looking forward to it.
damn thats huge! Awesome :)
Horizon Z is about to be dropped off to my house sometime this week :D
Yeah! Max has been great for me as well! I actually beat W3, and like every Batman game recently. My buddy has Horizon0 and I’m just waiting for him to drop it off. Thing about Ghostlands that peaked my interest was that Witch dlc, i love games that have little immersion things like that. A few of my buddies played…