He looks like Connor McGreggor’s little bro.

Better finish my STARWARS infinity collection. Just need a few more and Hulkbuster on Marvel side.

The minute I heard Psylocke and Storm we’re going to be utilized as Horsemen is the instant I said “fuck this”.

I agree.

My logic? All I was saying is that I hear that people don’t want refs deciding the outcome of games. This would be an instance where if you were a thunder fan (full disclosure: I am not) the refs could easily have made you lose this game by calling a foul in the last 13 seconds. And in those last 13 seconds there were

That may have been an elbow, but fuck, you woulda thought he was Jon jones the way Manu flew back.

I wish America had a golden week. /sad face.

Your move, creep..

IDGAF about the cheaters. Fix the fucking crafting!!

Yeah but you couldn't play street fighter on a N64 :)

This is a better Transformers movie than anything Michael Bay has produced.

With fighting games, you get what you put in. The longer you play, the better you’ll get. It all depends if it's something you consider worth spending your time doing.

That's most likely his story mode outfit. He should retain his regular look for the standard mode.

That poor horse.

This gun is the best gun.

Yeah that's what I gathered too. Horde mode. Which is cool with me. I love me some Horde.

+1 for the Supersonics avatar.


Nikki looks like she's right up my alley. Huge tits AND glasses! Jinkies!

I'm not a basketball expert so explain this to me. Is this a legal move or did the refs somehow miss this?