I hate Indi bullshit games. Idk, I guess age has hardened me into only thinkin triple A games are worth a damn. I always had a little soft spot for harvest moon since I was younger. Read the first SDV article and said fuck it. Dropped my cash on the game and installed it 3 days ago.

I consider myself an old gamer. I love RPGs and I remember when SMRPG came out. All of my friends loved it, but I had no interest in it what so ever. I believe I just got Chrono Trigger for my birthday and that took up a good few months of my life. SMRPG just fell through the cracks. I wouldn't mind giving it a go

Is sushi an acquired taste? All my friends go out for sushi and I always decline because I've tried it before, and it tastes horrible. Like if I force myself to eat it daily will it eventually grow on me? It looks so tasty too! :/

+1 sea bass

Is it just me or has there been a lot of these full court buzzer beater desperation 3s being made?

Some of these comments man...yeeeesh. Pirate a game, you’re an asshole. Buy a game when it’s released, you’re a stupid asshole. Oh Internet, please let us know what to do with video games. SMH

What year was that? Bosh looks so young.

What is it going to take to release a proper Pokemon game on the consoles??? :((((((

Oh man! What was that movie again? With the fire bull and the unicorn? That movie used to scare me as a kid.

I'm a die hard and probably one of the assholes you reference in your comment. As far as us not caring about accessibility, that's why we sweat the scene so hard. We want MORE people to play. We want all of our friends, co workers, neighbors, whatever to throw down. That's what makes fighting games exciting. New

All those videos and modes won't amount to dick without getting some real world experience by fighting other players though. I really feel that Capcom wants casuals to play ranked matches from the get go. No more hiding in arcade mode.

What’s causing it to make that sound? Is it’s machine gun or it that the sound of like some bomb it drops?

KOF 98-99 was my shit. Much respect to a fellow KOF brother.

Because filthy casuals be damned.

It's ok dude. I get what you're saying. I dropped 100 on the collectors. I don't mind cause its SF. I grew up on this series and I've sunk so many hours in the beat lab. 60$ is a mighty fine price for game I'm going to be glued to till the next one drops.

I’m pretty sure you’d figure out how to avoid certain things. I grew up on SF2 in arcades. I lost a small fortune in allowance money getting rocked by the older kids that knew what they were doing. Through trial and error and closely watching matches (which is a feature in V at least it will be when the servers come

I can't stand tattoo schemes that are all over the place. I suppose it would fit the whole prison look, but damn. It just looks so bad.

Fuckin’ breathtaking.

This is the first time I laughed at a nerd rage comic. I'm still laughing. :/
