Man I love those Star Wars novel artwork.

Can you imagine what would have happened if the Cubs won the World Series.

Haha a butt head.

I've never understood the appeal of such a stupid character concept, but that aside...WHAT IS UP WITH THAT ART? Good lord.

Beautiful. Bravo.

Hey gang, I need help understanding Corpse Run this week.

This is why I own multi platforms. I don't have time for this BS. But good on them for owning up and issuing refunds.

So is this show worth watching?

Oh he's gonna be in the movie alright. A post credits teaser that leads into the next one.

+1, -9 because fantasy football.

Next thing you know it's guns.


Yeah I get what you mean. It’s more like she’s trying to find the negatives in something positive. Especially when it's something she campaigns for. Sometimes I think she's trying to troll the trolls when she makes comments like that.

I just read her Dishonored comment. Wow. Idk about anyone else, but doesn’t allowing for a male AND female lead in a video game fit WITHIN her gender equality agenda? Like isn't this a good thing?

His actual name is Skip Tannen.

Jesus. This guy must play that fucking game A LOT.

He's gone !

So like, there is possible way to make a living as a nfl cheerleader? $2.85 an hour?? No extra perks?

Oh jeez you're gonna be one of those guys? Ok fine. Stay salty.