I'm talking about the crowd, not the games themselves.

I feel like it’s going to appeal to those people that thought Journey was awesome.

And btw, her breasts are as big as any other female character in the game so far. She’s wearing a gi or something similar.

You're awfully salty about this particular topic and I'm just trying to figure out if you're trolling or just fishing for responses.

Do you even play fighting games?

Hahhahhaa yup!

Seriously. Why all the outrage now? Where were these people years ago? Smh.

It took you what, 25 or more years to find breasts in the street fighter series (or fighting games in general) to be rediculous?

+1 matrix of leadership

People should stop watching faux news networks. There is literally a whole bunch of stuff going on that people don’t see on the west.

Wow. What happened to all the good artists???

Is anyone else afraid of NASA bringing back samples of space bacteria that is super harmful to humans? Like it starts some huge world ending epidemic.

But can it run Crysis?

I don’t get it. As a boy all everyone ever talked about was how awesome Frank Miller was. If his name was on something, people went nuts. Now, people seem to hate the shit out of him. I've been out of the comic loop for a long time (recently came back to Marvel) but never payed much attention to DC. What the fuck

Well Lego sets have always been crazy expensive. Was expecting this to be the same.

I'm ok with it. Case in point. Tilda Swinton as Gabriel in Constantine.

Annnnnnnnnnnd the Spindel is being nerfed back down to 290. Whomp whoooooooomp.

What movie was that image from? I thought I've seen all of Mike Myers movies.

I want to frame this tweet.

For real. People on this site are super salty about Johnny Depp for some reason. I think he’s awesome and has earned the right to make whatever movie he wants.