That also drives me bat shit crazy. I live in Miami, so a lot of people who generally don’t know shit about fantasy or book for that matter get their entertainment from TV. What’s the hottest “trendy” thing on TV? Game of Thrones. Who does everyone say their favorite character is?

I'm glad the three that I frequently visit are all staffed by decent human beings. Now granted, I'm not a woman so I don't know how many of the men that work there are creeps.

Hmmm. Shipping an incomplete game and still GOTY contender? I swear, only Kojima can get away with this. I got this game sitting on my shelf right now unopened. If there is no closure to the story I don’t think I’m gonna bother opening it.

Lauren is really beautiful. The game is shaping up nicely too.

I feel like calling bullshit on that story. It sounds like something out of twilight zone or something. I refuse to believe that happened. Or rather I DONT WANT to believe that happened. Uggghhhhhh.

Enough people will buy these coins to show Konami that this idea was a success.

I normally don't have issues with pre orders. But this, this seems a little out of hand.

Amen sir. It’s our God given right as Americans to spend our hard earned money on whatever the fuck we want. I’m tried of hearing people try and talk down to others by saying “Ur dumb. oh I’m gonn wait a year and save money hurr hurr.” Ok, you choose to wait a year on experiencing a game, we choose to buy it when it

Amen to that brotha.

I agree 100%. I’ve been saying this for years. I’ve played every single one so far, but have not “loved” any of them. I honestly want to love it, but damn, it just fails in so many important levels.

Problem with SF fans is that we’ll loose our shit if they radically change a character’s original look. We dont welcome change. But that’s what DLC costumes are for!! Woooooooo

If you've played SFA3 you'll notice it's very similar to her original outfit. I don't remember anyone having an issue back then, but that was before social media.

Then they should have been outraged 10 + years ago when she first appeared in Alpha 3.

Lmao! I always hear Gaylord too!

I'm pretty sure he wasn't judging the entire game, just that particular line. Nolan, is that you?

What's sad is that there is a whole bunch of people out there that think his lyrics are deep. SMH. What happened to music?

89$ ??

This is what's gonna finally get me to grab a XB1. So hyped.

When questioned by authorities why they brought firearms to the tournament, Norton explained that they would be ‘super effective’.

Hahhahahaa +1 for taking me back.