A big giant cat under a rainbow made of yarn.

Everyone else got it but you. Sorry but I wasn’t “blaming others for not getting it either.” Stop trolling and get on with your life.

Stop fanning the flames, guy. I know what the article was about. I read it. I was asking about the advantages a man would have over a woman. Drawing the parallels from real sports. If you are familiar with the current debate on field sports you can understand what I meant about esports. And to you point about not

I wonder if he was out for a season with an injury or whatever and the Steelers won the Super Bowl, would he give back his ring?

Annual pass holder represent!

I suppose the issue here is that I expect the majority of people to be rational level headed human beings. I’m so glad I haven’t run into any of this kind of behavior on a personal level. If it happens, I haven’t noticed it. But now after reading some of these comments, I wonder if some of the women I know are

Well I wasn’t talking about trolling at all. I understand that women in general get harassed online. We read like at least 3 articles a week about shit like that. I’m asking why gender would even be a topic of discussion in esports. There is no advantage to be had by either gender in a sport that uses a mouse and

Come on, you know I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about the excuse of unfair advantage.

I know what the superficial excuses would be. But I'm talking about the whole advantage/disadvantage debate. It's mouse and keyboard not helmets and pads.

Why would gender matter in an esports league?

What capsule vending machine? I know not of this.

I've beaten Battletoads. Never got past the first area in Dark Souls.

Is it wrong I have the biggest Pixar boner right now?

Very very clever.

I wish this was stared more.

Yeah man, this is just big business covering their asses.

Spoiler alert, it IS Liefeld. (Jk idk who it is)

I went to the International Fine Arts College in Biscayne Miami, Fl. Back before it was bought out by the Art Institute. It was insufferable then, and after the merger it was Hipster University.

I too went to art school. Art school students are the fucking worst. But the worst of the worst? Film students. Omg, I got into SOOOOO MANY FIGHTS in college. :(

Vagrant Story