Oh Alex Morgan, / swoooooooooon :( So beautiful.

Exactly what I thought when I read the changes. It's just gonna take 1-2 more rockets to do the job now. Solution? Every member in the fireteam use Gally.

I agree with you but Save your breath man. No point in arguing with gamer hipsters or anyone for that matter on the Internet.


God that collection should be put to sleep.

In both of those pictures, the suit looks like it was painted on his body. This can’t be real. Can it?

Yamcha was awesome in the original DB. Him being afraid of girls was hilarious.

What's lower than rock bottom?

I find a lack of Prowl and Sunstreaker disturbing.

Tons of people download mods to make the game look better, then this comes along and does the opposite. :/

The only games I ever downloaded off the net was Nintendo roms. I was always afraid to download PC games for fear of viruses.

Damn that's some black duster wearing - walk away from explosions without looking back - type shit. Respect.

Sweet! I went crazy and scooped up the entire Marvel set. I haven't even played the game yet. But damn, those figs look so neat on my shelf. Sucker with a capital SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

Whooooooa! Why is Brave rated so low!?

I've run into lag switch teams that use the lagger as a decoy. Very annoying.

Destiny is made so that it rewards any style of play. Casual or hardcore, Pvp or pve.

Damn dude. If you're on ps4 shoot me an invite. My buddies and I run PoEs weekly. 32-35

Omg. So much this. This needs to be framed and put on some wall.

Ooooooooo sick burn

Too pretty to be Sith no? Aren't they supposed to have nasty veins, scary eyes and skin problems? I see her as more of some sorta fantasy rogue or something out of Conan the Barbarian.