Bloodborne’s fans sure do get pissed off a lot. Seems like every three days there's a new article about some little thing that drives them crazy.

I fucking suck at math. I'm 34 and I remember nothing from school.

Yeah yeah, Miami fans, blah blah blah. We suck. Can we please lay this dead horse to rest?

Yeah yeah yeah. The east sucks :/

Believe it or not, they're doin just fine.

We can’t all be winners.

Dude, I think she/he meant that they are scared that it “might” be awful. A perfectly reasonable fear when it's about something that we like. Personally, I'm gonna watch it opening night just like the rest of us, but I'm worried that it won't be as awesome as I hope mainly because I feel like they are going to try and

Is it just me, or does that line Bats gives at the end sound out of character?

I don't think the people at gamergate know what gamergate is all about. I also don't think the people who are against gamergate know what it's about. In fact, I don't think anyone knows what the fuck gamergate is about or supposed to be. It's just a stupid made up thing in these times of stupid made up shit to try and


Damn! Ramza has been working out. Check out that 12 pack!

You and me both bud. Long live KOF.

Somehow he’ll still find his way onto the Jet’s roster.

Hmmm, bread and a mountain of tartar sauce? McDonalds fish fillet has been doing this for years.

Are you implying that mixed martial arts is not a martial art?

Oh I understood it as “rookie photographer does cosplay and takes awesome pics of himself”

Yup, I have a feeling this year nothing will go as planned.

I’m gonna shake things up. And also, I’m a stupid loyal fan who won’t accept defeat.

It looks to me that the E3 trailer was a cgi clip of what the actual gameplay intro is supposed to look like.