I highly doubt that. Try to explain how 15 people died in an 8 people capacity SUV. Also the situation screams some type of human smuggling or bringing them to work the fields sort of speak.
I highly doubt that. Try to explain how 15 people died in an 8 people capacity SUV. Also the situation screams some type of human smuggling or bringing them to work the fields sort of speak.
Maserati Biturbo: the car you buy if you want to make a YouTube car restoration series that never ends. Part 167: fixing what we fixed in parts 57, 88, and 123. Next episode: fixing what we fixed three years ago in part 15, last year in part 110, and three weeks ago in part 155.
I’m so proud of Hyundai. In a short period of time they went from being the brand known for cheap cars and long warranties to taking Ferrari on at their own game. This is the kind of success story they’ll be teaching in business classes for decades.
You’re really cute when you’re triggerred. Let’s go hit a happy hour sometime. It would be fun!
Keep up the good fight. Someday someone on the internet will care what you think.
Can you imagine the cost of replacement? Oh, the lucky taxpayers!
You’re giving Limbaugh WAY too much credit.
Thanks for proving my point, Einstein.
Holy greenhouse, Batman!
It`s a COVID shield
Well, the level of glee from the people on the left over Rush Limbaugh’s death wasn’t exactly good look either.
WOW. Someone hit that with the fugly stick, HARD.
That’s a shitty way to go.
I’m not a pilot and I cringed when I read that.
There was a U-boat in WW2 that sunk because of a toilet malfunction. The consequences can *always* be worse than the incident would typically allow.
Former engine designer here:
the -112 is unique in the 4000 family for its HFB design so possibly. But HFB’s require different maintance than solid core blades. Id put money that maintainer X “knows what hes doing” an has inspected hundreds of 4000 engines and this one was TOTALLY fine... except the -112 is different and he should be using the…
They do make dependable engines! They also hot-rodded their corporate jets with custom engines because why wouldn’t you if you just so happened to be in the business of making jet engines!
I wouldn’t count on United to do anything right. The last time I flew on United they ran out of gas and had to land in Peoria to gas up. Talk about cost saving. Here... we’ll act like disadvantaged people and only put $3.50 in the tank just to get us home.
I had a burrito the other day that almost tore a hole in my fuselage.
So fatigue cracks are 100% on the maintance program implemented by the airline and not PW. PW tells them what to do, but its ultimately up to them to inspect.