It sounds like they recorded this with a potato.
It sounds like they recorded this with a potato.
#7 At first glance I read "MILFields".
Ditto to that.
"What happens someone who grew up on the N64 makes art?"
Wish I had the power to promote you. For now, you'll just have to be content being a brother of the struggle.
I understand that they receive some flack for small grammatical errors but I feel its slightly disrespectful to a reader and deters someone who may have wanted to submit a tip down the road.
It's also very ironic that this message is on the first page as well:
Is anyone else starting to get FUCKING annoyed with the "tone of voice" with these posts? Between this title and this other article ([]), Im getting tired of coming to this site to get gaming news only to have Kotaku tell enthusiastic tipsters to go fuck themselves. We are trying to help you guys do your…
I started a thread along the same lines up top. Glad to see im not the only one noticing this written garbage floating about Kotaku these days...
I honestly cant believe the stuff written here passes for game journalism. Im honestly no fanboy (i stopped loving the series after 7, 8 and 10) but reading the description of the characters done with attempted humor or deep-rooted hatred for FF is very off-putting. I think i may be the only one here who may feel that…
God i wish I could promote this to Heaven, Hell and back.
Sad that Capcom has forgotten this awesome IP. Theyre too busy with their zombie hard-on now.
Jesus christ. Your following my posts and adding completely irrelevant responses. Read a little more than just my response and smarten up. The OP complained about a visual feature, then movement (THAT IS ENTIRELY DEPENDENT ON PLAYER INPUT) then came to the conclusion that both are correlated towards gameplay quality.…
A good majority of the commenters here do... Read the posts man.
Was it just me or was the image on the screen before the jump look like Ghost's mask? Coincidence or cleverly done? You decide!
Three Letters: DmC.
Haha what part of the white-haired version DIDN'T scream douche? The constant need to show off his abs, the cocky-ass smile or the one-liners? Put him in any club/bar and i think you'll realise he's always been one. I love him for it regardless but it really makes no sense to make that your reason to stop liking Dante…
Wow, you must be retarded. How are you gauging how this LOOKS based on how the person playing the demo is controlling Dante? Visually, its different and amazing.