To everyone hating on HVS, I think you might be missing the mark here. The review's tone was antagonistic and demeaning. People pour 12-14 hr days over the course of a year or two only to have some guy play the game half-assed (I mean seriously, he reviewed a FPS without playing the multiplayer) and unprofessionally…
"Hell has smeared the land of Londo with Blood. The next bloodbath will be in Tokyo". Direct quote from the website.
Can you do a mock that says the OP comment "I used to wreck bitches with Star Man" ? I think putting his name is redundant since its in the phrase. Otherwise great job.
I have one buyer, do i hear two?
Or the best. Id also like to think thats how our robot overlords describe it when they try to mimic attempts at humor.
Haha for a NES game that debuted in 1986, I mus say you tastefully expressed your feelings well. Im tempted to put that quote on a shirt with his picture.
It wouldnt be unheard of. Plenty of hackers have been recruited by the US gov't for counter terrorism and the like. It seems to me though this was the byproduct of Sony openly strutting its "invicibility". I want people to know though that I own the 3 major consoles and use my PS3 the most so this is far from 360…
Well not in those aspects but im a big conspiracy nut. Party, be it it Sony or the American machine, is having trouble with another party like hackers or oil shortages or declining economy. Suddenly something drastic happens which forces outside influences to step in and take action. What im getting at here is that…
I know i might get some flak for this but this whole situation reminds me of a digital 9/11.
Ive done my homework. The Krypt WILL NOT unlock the Pre-order fatalaties NOR will it the costumes. Even if you put the fatality input correctly on screen, it wont do anything. Second, Hector Sanchez from NetherRealm has hinted towards eBay prices soaring for DLC content by saying "Patience people" which im sure means…
Im no fanboy but ive seen him pull off some amazing stuff, especially under pressure. Im sure he loses games that dont have high stakes but really when it comes down to it, do they matter? Its like practicing a half court shot a hundred times. You could miss most or hit most but if your in a arena doing one of those…
To each their own i suppose. I mean some people feel the same way about outgrowing Super Mario or Sonic. For me though I grew up around taking a pocket full of quarters to the laundry mat and using about 75% of it on Street Fighter, Samurai Showdown and Mortal Kombat instead of actual laundry. Nostalgia plays a big…
Fanboys will be fanboys i suppose. I mean everything past 3 IMO was garbage and this is the best shot its had in decades to restoring its former glory. I picked it up this morning and am pretty impressed. If you are even slightly intrigued by the fighting genre then i implore you to at least give it a rent.
Maybe you just suck now.
This. I mean this ad could get a lot more heat then lets say, the topic of booth babes. They both essentially targeted at the same demographic; Gamers who like women. Albeit mind you the lines are cringe-worthy, it still boils down to sex sells.
Then clearly this ad has failed to captivate the testosterone-impaired demographic. Also to add, I think you do give a fuck considering you felt it important to braodcast your stance about the game to the internet.