
Crysis 2 is great, 3 is beautiful but just okay story and Ryse was fun.

What if LeBron goes to 2 or 3 other teams and wins championships? Wouldn't that actually be the greatest feat in sport/nba? How often in today's sports world can the best player in the league leave and make an instant impact? Hello Toronto.

have you ever been to St. Catherines st? What kind of question is that. Everybody wants a free trip to Montreal...

For $8K I bet you could do a serious reno to sound proof and up grade a room. When my old man wanted to be alone, he cracked a beer and hit the garage with the classic rock and a cigar with a black and white TV. If you wanted to hang out while he was doing a project, you better able to drink or work.

This game is just one of those games I tried to finish. Starts strong then it just kinda falls flat, even with playing with friends.

I'm playing on XB1, I have no real complaints either. Its fun, I can turn it off and not leave friends hanging. The multi-player is just okay, as was AC, Last of Us, Uncharted, Mass Effect and all the other games that are sort of like this one.

They should honestly say Holiday of whatever year (15, 16 ect) and then surprise the markets when they release earlier than expected.

What it lacks in plot it picks up in sound track

I like the AC series! Number 4 was somewhat similar in the sense there was lots to do but really it didn't add anything. They really achieve balance in the FarCry games, I hope this doesn't bleed into the next AC, or the crew/the division.

i like this game, but i think it suffers from trying to do too much. Oh, and it's fucking near impossible to take on bad guys during hack and chases.

Why not just revisit Vancouver or Salt Lake City or someplace where they have already hosted the games? Wouldn't be cost effective to just re-use all that infrastructure for another games with only slight or moderate modifications?

The world is over sensitive. People jump to extremes far to quickly. Frankly I am tired of the generic PG13 crap were pushed on the daily. I'm glad ubisoft pushed the envelope here, even if they didn't mean to. It's FarCry 4,not Donald Sterlings perfect world in 3d.

does anybody have any suggestions for something that is a tad less technical? I want to do this exact thing with my cable/bluray/XB1 ect but I don't think I have the chops to pull this off

Raptors are one or two players of being a legitimate playoff threat. Sad thing is in the same breath they are also one or two players away from being bottom perennial bottom feeders agian. Basketball is just ome of those sports where if a key guy decides he taking time off, the whole team can suffer.

you win. fuck it beer time

How did they ever come to decide what they would look like? The latest TMNT game they looked pretty good ehy didn't they just use that?

well that's just not practical.

I am not a bleeding heart environmentalist, but are they doing anything else with the garbage they are digging up? E.g recycling what can be ect?

Video game movies generally suck. If anything they need to do what Marvel has done and take one movie and slowly branch off into other properties. Also, i see Last of Us is not on the list? Wasn't this confirmed as a movie in development? I would pay to see a Mario or Legend of Zelda movie, metriod. Hell, Nintendo has

Nobody will know what really happened between them. It very well could have been the case that continuing Uncharted in its current story/state would always have the shadow of The Last of Us over it because it was so much better (imo) with the same resources but the influence of new ideas in the writing.