“Current Craig needs a million dollars to pay back Investor A. Paying back Investor B is a problem for Future Craig.”
Here is what I never understand...the only conceivable end-game here has to be to flee to a non-extradition country with the money right? Like, where was this going to go? He was going to keep his ponzi scheme alive for the next fifty years and then die? I don’t get it...you take the 2.6 million and you fuck off to…
If you’re a high roller the casino itself will give you a line of credit.
> Sign stealing is as old as the game, and apparently not in and of itself against the rules (the written rules at least). The use of “technology” seems to be where the actual violation is.
In fairness to the Falcons, the Patriots waited for Freeman to be where they wanted him and then launched Hightower at him. Gameplanning matchups. The Edelman catch is as good a catch as the SB will see - some of those you lose. See helmet and Kearse.
Belichick required McDaniels and his team to have a bunch of…
The winds are strong but predictable; thunderstorms have more unpredictable winds and are more dangerous.
I mean windspeeds of 150 mph isn’t anything to a plane, and if the hurricane is over water then there’s no debris to worry about.
Thanks! This thread should probably be on Lifehacker.
This is progress. Usually Cleveland police protest browns by shooting them.
It also requires a subtlely racist open letter to the local newspaper.
I hate that you’re likely right. In our society, nurse Wubbles is most likely to get the result of the department taking appropriate action by suing over Detective Payne’s conduct. I share your doubt that any internal investigation will have teeth to change his behavior in the future, but a sizable settlement payment…
From what I understand they wanted his blood so that they can test it and hopefully it will come back as dirty (drugs or alcohol etc.). Then if he wanted to bring a civil suit against the department for being injured due to thier high speed chase, which I think is against the departments policy, they can bring up his…
To cover their asses over a potential unwarranted high speed chase; blame the victim, not themselves.
If the detective and his supervisor aren’t fired, permanently barred from law enforcement and security work, and the detective charged with Assault against health care provider and emergency medical service worker Utah Code Title 76 Ch. 5 Part 1 Sect. 102.7 and Assault Utah Code Title 76 Ch. 5 Part 1 Sect. 102 and…
Most books won’t put a line on a IA-IAA match, but UNLV gets a line because they’re local.
They should get fired, but they won’t.
I honestly think it’s shifting that way for Harvard especially, but also Yale and so forth. Interestingly, the tech universities are still seen as being meritocratic and excellent- you don’t hear anyone talking shit about kids from MIT or Caltech.
There’s also a lot of scholarships that are given to less connected, poor but exceptional students to go to Ivy league schools. Those scholarships are funded by donations from legacy families.