I like Jose Bautista quite a bit, but apparently I like him getting punched in the face even more.
god damn what a punch by Rougned Odor
damn it. nowhere in the email did it say anything about needing a wire transfer for a flight from Utah to Miami
Pickles are not a side, and I fully support starting another civil war over the matter.
Pickles? Opinion invalid. No wonder Texas sucks.
He’s only playing so long to pay off his massive student loan debt. Four full years of tuition at Wake Forest. Yeesh.
Daisy is a very good dog and I hope whatever very bad human abandoned her in a parking lot steps in dog poop every day.
Maybe I’m reading that joke different than everyone else, but I thought the punchline of that joke is specifically because it is such a sharp, unambiguous, clear signal of his friends’ willful stupidity and obliviousness (because they are using the word faggot) immediately after his half-assed defense of his friends.…
I do! Do you realize that children grow up into adults who can then use their fully-functioning adult brains to realize that a lot of what they did when they were children was really stupid? I mean, a lot of kids eat paste, too, but if Mauer up there were defending his love of horking down as much paste as possible,…
Yes! I have a few large buildings near me that don’t seem to be a problem, and I have two antennas for two TVs in different rooms, facing adjacent directions and both seem to work well. I’d say just try it, and return if you can’t pick anything up in your neighborhood.
Yes! I have a few large buildings near me that don’t seem to be a problem, and I have two antennas for two TVs in…
If you can spare the time to help; if I understand correctly, you just plug power and connect to the tv and you have network television? That’s it?
If you can spare the time to help; if I understand correctly, you just plug power and connect to the tv and you have…
He violated one of the unwritten rules by hitting a home run while a member of the San Diego Padres.
I really don’t get why they couldn’t introduce chip+pin at the start. For places that do take chips, I still need a signature and it takes longer than a swipe+signature.
From a security perspective, all Chip+Signature prevents is physical card duplication. It doesn’t prevent someone from stealing your card and using it for fraudulent purposes, since the chip isn’t actually locked.
Luckily Amazon has fantastic service - I’ve never had an issue returning something. I’m glad you pointed out AntennaWeb, it’s super helpful in determining how much antenna is enough.
Luckily Amazon has fantastic service - I’ve never had an issue returning something. I’m glad you pointed out…
I have this and couldn’t recommend it more highly. Picks up all the major networks well here in the suburbs, and much more useful than the non amplified versions which I always had issues with.
I have this and couldn’t recommend it more highly. Picks up all the major networks well here in the suburbs, and…
Agree with the general sentiment. Most new engineering projects tend to peg low on the MythBusters scale of excitement. Having said that, this is still freakin’ sweet—America’s finally getting maglev! And not just maglev, but like the railgun of maglevs!
That is a top notch meme. But would you consider it a Trump meme or a Hillary meme?
I laughed.