Not me, I loathe the bracket leeks. I find red onions have a stronger flavour.
Not me, I loathe the bracket leeks. I find red onions have a stronger flavour.
You’re idiotic meme useage aside (any time you use a meme, the only thing you’re actually doing is telling the world you have the intellect of a teen), the equivalent in dota is a 3 hour game, it’s not meant to be over as quickly as LoL. I believe that’s happened once, so it’s about as rare.
That doesn’t make it untrue.
Why is this posted to Deadspin?
Death penalty for killing an animal seems entirely reasonable. Great comment.
nah, i’m gonna fight the good fight.
Can we retire “nom” yet or what?
I got into Walking Dead for a bit (it’s got obsure comic characters how can I not?!). Once you drop $30 on shit and get NOTHING, literally nothing from it you kinda feel not not spending money on this crap anymore.
The beautifully simplistic thing about this reaction — and it’s common everywhere and has equally little merit in just as many places — is that it assumes someone who sees Donald Trump as a poor answer to anything must also think Barack Obama is unassailable. I can assure you that isn’t the case with me; I didn’t vote…
Shut the fuck up and get me my fries.
But he is labeled as guilty in the public eye, bc he got expelled. He is a ‘convicted’ rapist who never had his day in court. You’re telling me, that, with his name and face all over the internet, this will not have consequences for him? Fuck, if someone accused me of shoplifting, without me having the chance to…
In some jurisdictions, the legal definition of rape requires penetration (sometimes specifically vaginal penetration), so any other kind of sexual assault isn’t technically called “rape” in the law, even though it is morally the same damn thing to the rest of us.
Boom....nailed it! No appeal?? is this world coming to? He has a right to defend himself.
The decision to expel him was made on Feb. 10, 2016, and a week later the UWC chose not to hear Montague’s appeal of the decision, according to sources familiar with the facts of the case.
I’ve tried this for years and it doesn’t seem to be going so well.
Maybe don’t be so old?
isn’t it possible that he denied any wrongdoing, they believed him, and then collectively lost that belief?
WTF is a chalk-in?
If he is in the East the next 4 years.. He will have 4 more runs at titles
I’ll cop to drinking whey protein after workouts and casein at night (instead of eating a bunch of trash, as I tend to do) but I never got into the rest of it.
I feel like anything with “blends” or “extracts” always gets recalled in a few months after it’s linked to unstoppable anal bleeding.