
It takes a pretty special person to get up in front of a bunch of people on what has got to be one of the most heartrending days in their entire life, and say words to bring OTHER people comfort.

It’s always heartwarming when a true Christian is heard from. I am not religious, but I believe the teachings of Christ is the lessons of forgiveness. Forgiveness is what you need in your heart to look at others and understand they grieve too. To turn the other cheek, sometimes you need to see through the eyes of

I read it and wasn’t sure what the point was. That said, just because journalism focuses on the accused’s point of view doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be distributed. No reasonable person is calling Making a Murderer a rape or murder apology or saying it should be taken down

Shit, that’s my bad. I had it. Sorry.

Still hate this. These are funbag questions most of us will be denied because there’s no way in hell we’re listening to a podcast.

Regardless of your feelings for Bill or his writing, he was able to put together one of the best teams and sites out there for sporting/social/cultural commentary, so I’d venture to say a fair amount of people are excited about this.

Yeah. No one is excited. Because the last Bill Simmons-ran website was so shitty. At least that’s what Deadspin tells me and my opinion is always Deadspin’s.

Look at the bright side. If he’s convicted of a third degree felony, the team’s graduation rate will increase by 600%.

Most white people have no opinion about this song. Of the white people who do have an opinion, most are listening to, requesting, and/or purchasing the song. Don’t believe Gawker that there is some sort of organized race riot... the story here is invented for clicks.

If white folks had actually shown up it certainly would have been a story.

why is this non story getting attention?

Agreed, I had one and the leads melted under normal use. It has no thermal cutout unlike some of the more expensive models.

Agreed, I had one and the leads melted under normal use. It has no thermal cutout unlike some of the more expensive

Thanks for the heads up. I was about to pull the trigger on this one.

Thanks for the heads up. I was about to pull the trigger on this one.

Terrible reviews, only good ones are from sponsored reviewers who received it for free. No charger included, so that’s another cost.

Terrible reviews, only good ones are from sponsored reviewers who received it for free. No charger included, so

I know EXACTLY how she feels.

They’re hideous. I wouldn’t want any of those on my shelf.

Considering it’s Maryland, we should probably just be thankful they’re no longer using eight-balls.

The “take away the helmets and pads” argument makes me SO FUCKING ANGRY because it shows a fundamental ignorance of the history of the game itself. Do you know WHY they introduced helmets? Because people were DYING on the field. Literal death! Right there! This idea that taking helmets away will somehow magically make

Brady gets 10x more vitriol and he’s white.