Oscar T Grouch

I might be incorrect about the number of wheels on your said beemer, but I most likely need to correct you and let you know that you are in a “Bimmer”.

*I am saying this while looking down my nose at you and then turn and promptly walk head on into the glass door i thought was open. Karma.

The issue that we are running into that many people are looking at this from only their point of view. We live in a world were a large portion of people dont want to know many things. They dont want to know what all actually goes into many things that we take advantage of every day. The hard part is then details

Oh crap now I have to reply to my own comment. I think i just made headlights nipples. That really doesnt help this in any way. I mean do young cars get feed from the ....... oh never mind i dont want to go down this rabbit hole.

I think i grew up with a different meaning of flashing the hi-beams. But yes, in all things, we all view different things differently. And good point. on is it at the point a human and not a car.

I am part of the resistance.

Thanks but.....

I have thought about that one. For me I think the head lights as a different part. As part that humans dont have.

I agree on the pixar thing but in both situations and even in real life we dont see with the headlights. They only help us see. Us is who ever is driving the car. The person inside or the car. I will go down with this ship... :)

Ok so here is the deal. There are two kinds of movies that have cars that are living in them. 1. There are also people in the movies that use the cars and 2. There are not people that use the cars. The vehicles are the people.

In the first option you need a windscreen so that the people inside can see out. In the

Maybe I am the only one thinking this but I actually think a large part of the blame needs to be placed on the guy filming. Hear me out. First yes the comcast contractor could have done more. Yes there were many drivers driving beyond their abilities in those conditions. But the guy filming starts off talking to

Glider all day long. :) Well that is the answer for me at least.

That is the highest praise a dad can receive right there.

bmx r1000xr

I just had to go and watch the video because of this.

“Oh crap someone must being using one of those voodoo dolls against me again.

Oh wait.

I am just at my Tuesday morning acupuncture appointment. Meh....”

Ok this might be a little to much but people dont realize how much of a thing this is. Especially for rabbits. I ride a larger motorcycle around the dirt roads of north Utah and it happens all the time. You can see them from a long way off and they just stare at you and then right at the last moment they go for it.

my guess was that there were more than 55 and some had already been purchased.?. Maybe.

Aint my thing but put me in any one of those trucks and I hate to say it. I would have one hell of a grin.

So just a couple of points.

SO I am trying to find info on the where it runs through a sacred site. I hear that mentioned a lot but I can find anything that shows the sacred site and the routing going through it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I realize I am most likely a little behind on this.