Oscar T Grouch

There is a “your mom” joke some were in this. I cant find it. Carry on.

Ok we are looking at two different worlds here. One has people that would sit in the cars, the other does not.

Always watch out for the hidden D. Always causes problems.

Only if it has a 4 cylinder focus engine.

Ha ha. Your funny. I would love to hear how fast you can go in not a straight line. Do tell.

I am betting you could get right in the 130mph club at any time. You should come out next year and make a run. Put your ass out there and make a run. Car or bike. I dont care, just come make a run, at speed, on the salt.

Any car you cant afford to repair.

Oh no. I am not blaming anyone as being out to kill me in the sense that everyone in a car has a small picture of me and are looking for me so they can run me over. No I meant it in the way that i ride as if everyone doesnt care about me and they are not about to start looking for me or anything else i do. Like this

Ohh how I wish that was true.

That wording i dont think explains what we was meant. When you ride you realize 2 key points. 1. No one sees you. 2. Everyone is out to kill you. Because of this you try and ride in a way that you are always in control of the situation. I dont know the reason for this pass, but I have passed on a double yellow before

So I hate to say it but you basically just gave the argument of “Get off my lawn you damn kids.” Cars are amazing. Thinking back I did fun, sometimes stupid (like the 1918 pierce arrow intake on my 96 civic, that was funny that it fit so well) and sometimes with no reason at all. But we all ended up having fun, and

Just to put a few pictures for the last time i launched Francis.

Oh sweet there is a group heading up there right now actually. I am grounded at the moment. But hit up Johnny at Utah Paragliding one day and he will help you out. Cool guy.

Ok this is a bit different and that rocks but sounds like it is time to drop the motor and learn to fly ridge lift and thermals. Trust me. It is a blast and is safe. THe highest wind speed I would fly the POint (in SLC, UT) was around 15 - 18mph. But then you are using the ridge lift the wind creates. Thermals I am

Sadly in paramotoring/paragliding there are very few regulations. To be honest you can go get gear and go fly. You dont have to get training.

Well except the few that are motor gliders. And my favorite the pipstrel Taurus. Oh how I would love to have one of those one day. I can dream right?

Actaully it has all of these things. Just in different formats than what you are used to seeing. I am guessing you dont see my paragliding rig as an aircraft because I launch and land with my legs. At this point in my life they are not mechanical. That might change. With all that said the FAA sees me as an aircraft.

Full beard that generally I generally keep at about a number 4 on the trimmer so it fits under a full face helmet well. :) I will admit to having a hipster phase though. I rocks a stash and made cycling caps. I was a dark time in my life. I have learned the error of my ways.

Lets leave penny farthings out of this. They are just kick ass bikes that are currently an innocent bystander in all of this.

Hey slow down. If you have a job, no matter what it is, it should be a career and pay enough to have nice comfortable life. :) Screw people that go into business to actually make money for them selves. (Please see the sarcasm in my comment)