I know of quite a few people that wished their 300 looked more like a bently.
I know of quite a few people that wished their 300 looked more like a bently.
I have found that when I stopped watching the news and watching the people around me that was very true. My stress levels went down quite a bit.
I wonder if there will be an attack but my worry is that it would actually be Russian's acting as Ukrainian forces.
I was just going to comment "Or learn how exposure works and get a real camera." But i think you have it covered very well.
So one thing to point out is that you can see this quite often. In the spring from the snowfall and before everything dries out it is a ton of fun to go walk around. The water is very salty. I say that because it amazed me how much salt was actually held in the water. If you got a drop on a dry part of you leg it…
I will hold off. I promise. I am working on getting over it but it still bothers me a bit. :)
or what is not in the rest of the car that makes it less conductive than the glass?
Well now I am just sad that I sold my Sprite. Worse choice I ever made. One of the most enjoyable cars to drive as well.
That just made my day. Thank you.
More cup holders than I can ever actually use. $-6 for each person and even a few in locations that you cant even get to. Maybe a few outside the car in case i have the window down.
The only dogs that really scared me on my mission were Chows. Beautiful and amazing dogs but they would kill you. With that said a few big dogs made me jump a few times while at doors. Always gave me a laugh when I got to meet the dogs on the other side and see how nice they were. Still did their jobs though.
If you want to take my guns make sure and bring a small crane. Smart gun owners do not just leave them laying around. Sadly there are people that do this, and it is stupid.
Actually that is true. Technically and effectively. Yes they are different types of aircraft, but they are still aircraft.
Let me help you with that.
I view this not as a grown up activity but an activity but I understand what you are saying. Many times kids are pushed into things parents are interested in and not their own interests. With that said i try my hardest to go with the following with my kids. How can I help my kids accel at activities that they have…
Sorry if I am missing something but are you saying we shouldn't reward people for setting a goal, going after it, and completing it, if there is a chance that they could be hurt by it?
I wonder if we can make that into an RC plane, or as Hamas would say "A drone"
More details are in his hobbyking interview.
There is another video of this were he is interviewed. Basically he said that with something that big it was already carrying enough speed that if he aborted it would have went into the fence right in front of the crowd and then into the crowd. He chose at the moment to take it up and try and get up and over…