
He was doing the same thing as baseball has been doing since that money ball guy. You don’t hit the ball out of the park, you just get each guy to go one base. Mayweather doesn’t go for the knockout, he just gets as many points as he can to win by decision.

The important question I think is, why is this woman even worth talking to, on Fox News or otherwise?

Stan Lee started the Stan Lee cameo trend. Dude is an admitted shameless self promoter.

A lot of people immediately discount the wiiu’s graphics automatically sadly enough. Yes, it’s not as strong as a ps4 or xbone, but graphics have reached the who cares point already.

The phrase that gets me irritated the most is when a company says they are “looking for a rockstar” That always seems to translate to “we’ll treat you like the meth head roadie and pay you like the kid who takes tickets”

This gif is working well with the STP song Vaseline.

If only.

“PlayStation 2 did play “movie video CDs,” but they were called DVDs.”

Nope, the blue shell would have stopped him for a lot longer than the banana peel.


Take out the bits specific to this movie and you’ve described everything in the franchise.

Why are we vilifying Superman again?

I hate to say it, but I’m breaking my no-preorder rule for this video game. It might suck a lot, but I had enough fun with the first two Star Wars Battlefront games that I’m looking forward to this.

“Do you work at Hooters?”

Thank you for taking the time to answer questions for us.

Well I didn’t see that.

He’s a clown so he gets a by.

Just because a couple of other people do it doesn’t make it good.

Evil Approved.

99.9999% chance we’ll get a 5 minute trailer in 18 days.