
I don't get why the headphone jack would be at the bottom. The majority of people who listen to music on their phones have it in their pockets or a backpack pocket which means the phone will go upside down in your pocket. Not that big of a deal in the end because all I have to do is flip it over but still.

I was about to post the same thing but figured I would check first.

Invest $1 million in APPL stock and/or start Loogle.

I remember seeing this movie when it was released on Netflix. The pain and sadness the soldier feels when he loses a comrade is unexplainable. I felt the knot in my throat and I also shed a tear. I am a civilian who was given the opportunity of college instead of joining the Marines back in 1997 (I was accepted to

"We who are about to die, salute you!"

To break a record?

Would be cool if they broke it up and gave everyone a piece. I skimmed through the both of the links provided and none of them mention how they will dispense of it.



Early 1990's I went to the library to borrow a cook book. I saw a flyer that said "Internet access available here"...I was hooked.

Oh I always love me some Guinness. Reminds me of the scene in Old School where Frank the Tank says "So good when it hits your lips!"

If those renderings are correct, this will be the first iPhone since 3G that I will not buy without actually holding it.

Won't change anything. Look how much they listened with the Giz site changed.

Hmmm a drunkorexic female or a female with gastric bypass...I'll take the drunkorexic.

One that is constantly being reloaded with money.

If you want to hide the Newsstand icon and your phone is jailbroken you can search for an app in Cydia called "NoNewsIsGoodNews". This app will removed the newsstand icon and will relocate the app icons onto the homescreen.

"When I entered the box the ladies were very much excited."

I would like to meat the owners (if female) of the accounts that have the following passwords:

In MY opinion* you will probably alienate more people with the image of your lips as your avatar. How can we take your comments seriously when that's the first thing we see?

I don't like it at all. I spent the longest time until I figured that I had to press the "Windows" button on my keyboard to get the Metro stuff. It seems like a phone OS. I'll keep Windows 7. I like my desktop and would probably prefer my Windows 8 as a phone OS (though I don't see myself getting a Windows phone or